I'll be on holiday that week so I can't go to this, sadly, but I thought some people might be interested:
21 July 10 (Wednesday)
The Virago: from Lilith to Today
Elisa Gray (University of Leicester)
The virago, the forceful female who is ‘as’ a man, has long held people’s fascination - the image both feared and celebrated. She appears as Lilith in the Judeo-Christian tradition, and in the nineteenth century poets used images of ferocious women as sexual paradoxes within their work. Female bisexuality and lesbianism attached to them, as their sexuality was ‘as a man’ -- and this served to inject apocalyptic fears - reproduction depends upon women having sex with males. Tonight Elisa Gray explores the image of the virago from Lilith, through European pre-modern treatments of ‘scolds’ and shewish wives, through the Victorian/Edwardian lesbians to the modern femme fatale - today’s ‘power female.’ This lecture is for everyone whose ever identified with transgressive female power, or even just loved and hated the shiver down the spine. Elisa Gray is a doctoral researcher working on 'the grotesque body' for her PhD at Leicester University.
Price: £7.00 Time: 7.15 for a 7.30 start
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