Dec 20, 2007 09:28
I went to the cinema last night with my mother, Simon and my little brother to see Fred Claus. The film finished early so I got dropped off at Fiona's house, where she and Jasmin were having a drink and we exchanged presents. We're not really supposed to open them till Xmas day but we thought 'Fuck it!' So I got:
-- A Thai Spa gift set from Jasmin
-- A set of bath stuff, shaped like sweets and a beanie baby in the shape of a baby duck from Fiona
-- A flannel and lipgloss in the shape of a cupcake from Fiona's parents
Yeah I love my presents ^_^ What I don't love is not getting in until 2 am and having to get up at 8 to wait for a parcel to be delivered while my mother goes food shopping. It was early, freezing and I was half-dead as I walked down the big icy hill to my mother's house, only to find out that my little brother was ill and had puked all over the landing carpet.
I also don't like the n00bs on TDF. Yes you have a daemon, wonderful but stop clogging up TDF with useless threads/new threads about topics that we've already got on the forum!!!
Sorry, this post was stupid but I'm tired and bored and I can't put on the TV because my brother is sleeping on the sofa -_- Today is not my day