In which I take a break from the wagon and think about the weekend...

Apr 03, 2009 12:25

Seriously needed to blow off some steam, so no gym last night. Instead, sushi and way too much sake, followed by bar time. Oops. Sooooooo tired today - needed more sleep not less! So, there will be napping before I go out tonight, assuming I actually manage to go out.

I also came to the realization today that I will be in the South Bay for Friday night. OK, yes, I am slow... and of course I did "know" it, since I'm here through next Friday, but it was only when my mind started drifting to my normal Friday afternoon thoughts (when can I leave to drive home? What should I do tonight?) that it became real that I will be in Cupertino. Huh. Habits and the brain are strange bedfellows.

house, workout

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