The Aftermath

Dec 22, 2008 19:18

Sat: got in a 2 mile run after not working out for nearly 2 weeks. Seemed ok... Now need to make once twice and thrice andandand... I hate getting back into the "grove" but it's necessary!

Spent last week frantically trying to meet a hastily imposed Friday deadline at work. Long story short, I am the conduit between two business units and had to a clear a backlog of requests by Friday "or else". Meh. Lots of late nights, including Friday. Teh suck.

After that I spent most of the weekend prepping for SND. I had 27 rsvps so off to the butcher, the baker and the candlestick maker! Literally on the butcher - I cooked three 8 bone pork roasts and made little savory souffles, a chocolate tart and a grapefruit-rosemary upside down cake. Nummy! Other folks contributed lots of appetizers, wild rice with fennel, roasted squash, brussel sprouts, green beans, potato gratin, salad, lemon pound cake and a cheesecake. We washed dinner down with about half a case of 2001 Justin Isoscles and had a pirate style gift exchange, whichis like a white elephant except with good presents instead of crap ones.

And now... um, well, nothing really. I have this week off thanks to a mandatory client shutdown. Not sure what to do with myself, really... today I wandered around in my pj's occasionally cleaning up after the SND dinner I hosted last night. I'm mostly done, except for the absurdly long shard of glass that got sucked into the vacuum cleaner by accident and is now stuck somewhere in the inner workings. Frack. Really don't want to take it in for service but I sure as hell ain't going fishing around in there for a long shard shard of glass... Meh.

Tonight I will dine on leftover pork madness! Mhwuahahaha!!!  And either wrap all my Christmas gifts or go see a movie. Seeing as how i'm still in my pjs at 7:30 I'm thinking one is more likely than the other...

snd, work, food

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