(no subject)

Oct 03, 2007 09:01

 Jogged 3.1 miles in 35 minutes, plus another .2 miles and 3-4 minutes cool down. Remembered to take my allergy meds before hand, and it was much easier! Funny how breathing and running go together… Messing about with the various arms machines, and found a very interesting machine that works your side abs. Sit ups on the ball.
The 40th anniversary edition of jungle book came out, which my coworker adores. We got a copy and watched it at a local friend’s house last night with take out pizza from CPK. Not a bad night! "It’s the… bear necessities, the simple bear necessities…"

Tonight it’s off to some place called Ibiza for a going away party for one of the younger guys - my crew here is slowly but surely rolling off to other gigs. Actually, the boys already had a night out Monday and apparently got up to much mischief, which has pretty much had me in straight faced-stitches all week. I am most certainly *not* supposed to know they spent the night at a strip joint, with much $$$ spent of lap dances and, yes, a blowjob (on a credit card no less - that takes, (forgive me) balls!). The hilarity ensued Tuesday morning when our fine young stud realized the front on his work pants were stained (he didn’t bother to change before heading out Monday night) and had to go out and buy a new pair. I deserve major brownie points for managing to be ridiculously amused by the whole thing, and not let on _at all_ that I have any idea what’s going on.

workout, shennanigans

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