Jan 23, 2008 21:29
ometimes I move as an effect of my brain reacting to an idea or thought. Sometimes I move in the opposite flow. And sometimes I do neither. I do not move and I do not think. I am that simple and that complicated. And so are you. I don't really know who or what I am because I fail to question it. I know that I am me and I know that I am strong and sometimes funny and more often than not I am empathetic and curious and observant. I know that if I wanted something I could get it or get there or whatever. But I also know that I sometimes do neither. I do not move and I do not think. And so I am just me, whatever that is in relation to you.
This is how I feel. And I don't know what that means or where it goes or how deep it really is. Or me. I don't think about things like that, I assume that I am me and you will think that I am this or that but if I dissect myself then I only become more confused and less aware of and by what I found. I think peoples' obsession with self conquest is more than vain, and sometimes I tire of listening to people figure themselves out aloud. I think I think of myself a year or two ago doing the same and I wonder why I still have friends.
On another note: I want to move to London still and if I have a daughter one day that will be her name. And also, I need a girl friend right now and all of mine are so busy and I don't know any not quite friends that are smart and stimulating and fun but not crazy. So if you are any of those things then find me and be my friend, I make a good one.
Con la paz...