I almost forgot to tell you! the Worldspirit event went really incredibly well. You can check out some pictures here
http://draves.org/pix/2005-02-05-worldspirit-afterparty/and here
http://mvgals.net/gallery/fluffyevil-020505 It was such a great crowd with wonderful energy, people dancing, chilling and hanging out. The djs rocked it, my friends came out in support to play and volunteer, clean up went smooth and I made decent money and was able to pay the artists something as well.
I'm planning to do another event in Toronto, but hoping to expand the whole deal, so a screening, afterparty as well as a one day conference if I can. The screening sold out and they had to turn people away! and the party was more then busy with 135 people attending the afterparty from the screening. It's very tiring to throw and event that goes til 4 when you're the sole organizer, but finally making money on a project rocks.