
Oct 31, 2006 14:34

You went trick or treating as

Hermione gave you ABrain.

CaptainBarbossa gave you ARubySlipper.

PippiLongstocking gave you ACommunionWafer.

Visit-The-Infidels-With-Explanatory-Pamphlets gave you AChocolateTruffle.

You had a peachy time until HobGadling
sent you into another dimension.

What's Your Trick-or-Treat Haul?
Shiver My Timber--A Pirate RPG

Hee. Hermione gave me a brain. Maybe it's her own.

PIPPI. When did you get communion wafers?! You shouldn't just give these out. *gasp* Has this been consecrated?!

Wafer: *Holy glow of RIGHTEOUSNESS*

Eep. *kneel* *holds it out at arms length and is not quite sure what to do with it* I can't have this yet! I'm still a heathen! HEY! COME BACK HERE, PIPPI! *scoots along on knees* YOU CAN'T JUS-- *is zapped into another dimension*


...God? >>
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