Well, she is walking the talk "Teen pregnancy is SO COOL!!!!"

Sep 01, 2008 10:34

She was for Abstinence Only education, and now she has a pregnant teen to prove it!
In that same 2006 questionnaire, the soon-to-be governor said she would fund abstinence-only education programs in schools. "The explicit sex-ed programs," she added, "will not find my support."

John McCain's running mate Sarah Palin said Monday that her 17-year-old unmarried daughter is five months pregnant, an announcement aimed at rebutting Internet rumors that Palin's youngest son, born in April, was actually her daughter's. A statement released by the campaign said that Bristol Palin will keep her baby and marry the child's father. Bristol Palin is five months pregnant, and the baby is due in late December.


well how nice. If a Democrat had a pregnant teen, they wouldn't be able to run for office. It would be politically unpalatable. But from a neoCon we are supposed.
Sarah and Todd Palin issued a statement saying they are "proud of Bristol's decision to have her baby and even prouder to become grandparents."

talk about the Juno, I mean Juneau effect! Teen pregnancy is SO COOL!!!!
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