So the kids have all been home for a week with Flu-Like-Illness. I can't say Swine Flu or Regular Flu, because we can't get tested unless one of your lungs crawls out and whaps the doctor in the eye. High school absenteism is 30% in some schools. We've been taking lots of of Tylenol, Gravol, orange juice and chicken soup. High fever and killer headache the first day, then lots of coughing etc for a week. I'm tired. But we are all doing okay.
The news is full of Swine Flu/H1N1. Seems that the government lied when it said there would be enough flu vaccine for everyone. What they meant was there would be flu vaccine for some people right now, and then for others later on. Since we seem to have come down with it, (Swine Flu has naseua, etc) I'm not too worried. Ol' HD, who watches the news for hours on end, has decided that it's all a plot by someone, so that the private schools get vaccine, because politicians kids go to private school. Private clinics also have the vaccine so that rich people can get it, while us poor bastards drop dead. He is laughing hysterically at people lined up for up to 6 hours at vaccine clinics, who then get turned away because they are not on the priority list. I'm just glad it's not the Black Death or something.
We are also basically quarentined. I don't want to spread this around or anything. Which means that Cade's haircut got pushed back to this week. He didn't want to wait. So he cut his own hair last night. Aii! He's bald on top. I was going to send him to school tomorrow, but now I have to get his hair fixed. All he chopped was the bangs, so he looks like a man with a receding hairline, and all this shaggy hair around his ears. Last time he got creative with scissors, he was five and cut large chunks out of my hair while I was sleeping. I ended up getting a perm and looking like a Q-tip with eyes.
Houston is on another bizarre schedule this week. Seems the paper mill closes down for a week for Moose Season. So I'm up when I should be sleeping and sleeping when I should be up. Plus checking on the kids, cold cloths, making soup, etc. But I got a call from
morriganscrow which was fantastic as always. Thanks, Crow! We laughed like you would not believe.