Have covered the wall of my room in Teflon. This will keep me safe from the Alien Mind Rays.
2giddy tells me that there are no Alien Mind Rays, but that's because the Rays have already affected him. It's very troubling, being the only one who understands everything.
Jamie continues to dress as a woman. He wore pink taffeta today, and the colour really does not suit him. If he's going to cross-dress he could at least do it well.
sixs_cat is not dead. Perhaps if we take him to the zoo he will die.
nyssa_of_traken could help me out with some sort of biological agent, I suppose. I understand that
thedoctor_lj has mice. I have no mice in my collection as yet, and am eager to add some. It is for this reason that I am cultivating a friendship with his companion, Mr Fitz, who dislikes the mice rather intensely. Unfortunately, he has become involved with a woman named Tegan. I may have to remove her from the equation in order to secure my procuring of the mice.
In other news, I have a new frock.