Fic: Text Messages [DCU/SPNAU, Tim Drake, Cissie King-Jones]

Jun 18, 2011 23:28

Title: Text Messages
Fandom: DC Comics, Supernatural AU
Characters: Tim Drake, Cissie King-Jones
Rating: General Audiences
Warning: None
Note: For lady_sarai , and unbetaed.
Word Count: ~200

A text message conversation:

Where are you headed?
Norway. Did you know there was a Norway in ME? I did not.
Norway, ME? Once the snowshoe capital of the world? Of course I knew that.
...You just looked that up, didn't you?
I have to do something. Dick and Jason are bickering over the music again. There's only so much I can take.
Poor Tim. Roy let Lian pick. We have the Little Mermaid going for the millionth time.
I'm wincing for you.
Thanks. So where are you guys off to?
The Sunshine State-not that we'll actually get to enjoy it. Dick thinks there's a poltergeist that needs out attention.
So. Flying objects and bleeding walls. That should be fun.
You've never seen walls bleed.
Once. JUST once.
That's... horrifying.
That's why I'm glad I only saw it once.
Yeeeeeeah. Oh-damn. We're stopping for lunch. Roy said if I didn't put my phone away he'd throw it away.
Yikes! Put it away! I need that phone! It keeps me sane!
Uh huh. Let me know how the epic battle of the radios goes. I'm going to have lunch that's NOT deep fried.
...Why so cruel? We're stopping at the next Burger Barn. I think even the salads are deep fried.
Heh. Good luck.
Thanks. Later.

tim, fanfiction, fandom: dcu, cissie

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