Fic: Where Do Lonely Hearts Go? [DCU, Tim/Jason...ish]

Jun 12, 2011 20:15

Title: Where Do Lonely Hearts Go?
Fandom: DC Comics
Characters: Tim Drake/Jason Todd, mentions of others.
Rating: Teen
Warning: Mention of major character death
Note: For stalinglim , and unbetaed.
Word Count: ~450

Tim wasn't anywhere in the Manor-at least, he wasn't any of the places he usually haunted these days. Jason had checked the Cave, the bedrooms (man, the sheer number of times he'd found him in Bruce or Dick's bed with the blankets up over his head...), and the garage, and... no Tim.

And Jason knew how much the-how much Tim loved those cars and bikes.

He finally found him sitting on the roof, staring out over the grounds in the direction of the cliffs and the ocean beyond them. His eyes were hollow, but dry. So-normal, then. Tim never really looked all that great these days, no matter what Jason did or said, or how many times Alfred tried to put a little life into him by making what Jason assumed were his favorite foods and things like that.

He sighed and settled to the roof next to him. “Hey. Nice night, huh?” Tim just shrugged and Jason sighed again. “You can't keep doing this, kid.”

He turned to look at him, and raised an eyebrow. “Doing what?” he asked. His voice was quiet, but then-he didn't talk much these days either.

“They're gone.” Tim flinched at the blunt words, but he plowed on anyway. “And it sucks-I know it sucks, but they wouldn't want you doing this to yourself. They loved you. They'd be glad you survived, and they'd want you to live.”

Tim pressed his lips together and shook his head a little. “I-it's hard. I can't... I can't stop thinking about it.”

And didn't Jason know how that went? He saw that day over and over again in his mind, every time he tried to go to sleep, and half a dozen times a day in his waking hours, too. Bruce, Dick... and every other god damned hero the League had been able to drum up and how fast they'd all been wiped out. He shook his head and gave Tim a lopsided smile. “It's the end of the world-did you think it would be easy?”

Tim squeezed his eyes shut and Jason watched his face twist into a mask of misery. He cursed under his breath and put an arm around Tim's shoulders, dragging him into a hug while he started to cry. He rocked him like a little kid, muttering what he hoped were soothing words while he hid his face in his shirt. Sighing quietly, he rested his chin against Tim's soft hair. “It's going to be okay,” he said, looking out into the gathering night. “I promise.”

tim, fanfiction, jason, tim/jason, fandom: dcu

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