Title: A Present for the Baby
Author: Zoe-chan
Rating: PG
Pairing(s): None. Implies L/J
Challenge: Completed in response to a challenge leveled at me by Arnica, which reads as follows:
write me a story of no less than 1 paragraph and no more than three involving the words splinter, snowshoes and the phrase 'you have three seconds to get that out of there or I cut it off'
I hope I have succeeded. I did stretch the defenition of three paragraphs. The block of dialogue in the middle counts as one, and the last bit of dialogue does not count at all.
Notes: Fluffy goodness.
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters. I intend no copyright infringement. This is a work of love, resulting in no profit to myself, except for feedback. I am a feedback whore. Feedback me.
A Present for the Baby
The doorbell rang. Lily groaned and set her book aside before lurching to her feet. She began padding slowly towards the door. At this late stage in her pregnancy, even walking across the room felt like a kilometer’s march in snowshoes. Please don’t be a solicitor, she prayed silently as she opened the door.
Sirius stood on the doorstep, shifting his weight from one foot to the other and grinning widely. “Wotcher, Lily!”
She raised an eyebrow at him. “Sirius…”
He stepped into the house and something rustled behind him. Lily noticed warily that both of his hands were completely hidden behind his back. “I’ve brought a present for the baby!”
“Oh, have you? Well, I suppose we could put it in the nursery…”
“I’m not entirely sure it would stay…”
He brought his hands in front of him. In one of them, he held a small box with wire mess on the front. Something yipped. “Do you think he’ll like it?” It yipped again. A puppy.
Lily’s eyes widened. “Sirius Black, you have three seconds to get that out of there or I cut it off.”
He looked uncertain. “Er…”
“The puppy. Let it out, or I cut off the door.”
Sirius set the kennel on the floor and opened the door. The little animal flew out, wagging its tail so fast Lily feared it might fly across the room. It tore down the hall, yapping excitedly, toenails digging splinters out of the floor as it went. It reached the end of the hall and looked back at them, small nose wrinkling in a dog smile before running back and skidding to a halt in front of Lily. She looked it over, smiling, and slowly crouched so that she was able to scratch its ears. It had the soft, slightly fluffy look of a puppy that might one day grow into a golden lab. It rubbed its head against her hand and looked up at her, almost hopefully. Lily grinned. It had been ages since she’d had a dog. She glanced up at Sirius, who grinned hopefully back at her - an expression not much different from the puppy’s. Lily almost laughed as he took her hand to help her up.
She smiled. “Harry will love him, Sirius. And so do I.”