because it amuzes me..... and I ordered it and chopped it down to suit me.
You watch dot-com boomers go back to the states they came from, and the traffic gets better by the month. But you are home so you're not moving. (you know who you are.)
Winter is when your lawn grows too fast and summer is when it dies (you know who that is going out to. I swear I didn't make it up)
When asked about your commute you answer in time, not distance
You have worked at the same job for a year and people call you an 'old-timer'
The T-shirts you value most were for products that never made it to market
Your combined household income is $140,000 and you can't afford shoes for the kids (if we tried to own a home this would be true)
You say you're from Silicon Valley because no one knows where San Jose is.
You think that American food includes sushi, naan, pho, pesto and pad thai
You think anything slower than DSL is barbaric, but can't get it in your neighborhood (this is an old ref. We at last can get it, but who cares? Cable kicks ass)
You know what DSL stands for
You met your neighbors once (not in Willow Glen!!)
Even though you work 80 hours per week on a computer, for relaxation you read your email and peruse eBay
You can name four different programming languages and you are not a programmer
You remember the names of the three closest cheap sushi joints, the location of all the Fry's in the area and which companies your friends work for that are going public in the next year, but don't know the name of the mayor
Standing in line at Starbucks you wonder why the employees don't call a head hunter
You work 6 miles from your home and spend two hours a day commuting and $40 a week on gas
The median price of a house is $500,000...for 1200 sq. ft. with no yard because it's a town house
You live on some of the richest farm land in the world but most of what you eat comes from South America on a boat
Your best friend lives across town but you hardly ever see each other because after your commute you're too pooped to spend another hour driving to their home
You have a master's degree in engineering but half the people in your department either didn't go to college or have history degrees, except if you have a master's from Stanford, in which case everyone in your department has a master's degree from Stanford
You plan your vacation so that you don't have to drive back from the airport in commute hours
You don't go to sporting events unless you are given tickets by your employer
You could sell your home and live like a king in 99% of the rest of the world, but don't because it would be difficult to move back.
You have at least three computers at home.
You own at least one domain on the Internet, probably several.
You think it's normal to see chip-design software or relational databases advertised on freeway billboards.
You know that California isn't just one big beach.
You know that not everyone in California surfs.
You know there's lots of skiing in California.
You know your rotating outage block number at home and at work, and listen for them whenever there are rolling blackouts.
If someone refers to "SunnytogaDeAnzavale Road", you laugh and know what they're talking about.
You take your out-of-town friends to see the techie gadgets at Fry's.
You know how to recognize re-sealed returned electronics at Fry's.
You don't ask the staff any questions at Fry's. You know they hire idiots and pass the savings on to you.
Your out-of-state friends are impressed at how much money you make... until you tell them how much you pay for housing.
You know that a "fixer-upper" home could cost a half-million dollars.
You and your spouse almost come to blows deciding to hit Peet's or Starbucks (us? we are too laid back. )
You clearly remember where you were when the Loma Prieta quake hit.
You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends from Silicon Valley.