Hey guys, time for another mod post!
First, I'd (and it's kei!mod here) like to start with an apology. Our last event fell apart majorly, there's no getting around that or trying to pretend it didn't. I had far too much on my plate last month and did not have the time to properly nurture and carry off the event. And for that I'd like to apologize. It'd be in poor taste if I didn't say something. This will be sure to not happen again.
Everybody gets one mistake.
Now, this mod post will be in two parts, this one as a precursor and more informational, the followup that will be posted tonight will have more details about powers AND the Scorpio event. Those are two pretty important things, so they need to be separated and given proper attention!
birthdays We'd like to just give a reminder to make sure you've all commented to the
birthday post. Going forward we will only be pulling from from this one. So please be sure you've tagged with your characters. And please also be sure to give each character their own comment. This makes for MUCH easier clean up when we have drops.
mod contact Just a little note to say that should you need the mods for anything, use the mod email (zodionmods@gmail.com) or contact one of us personally (which can be found
here). Only by accident did we notice PMs to the mod lj account and that is never checked. So, please, to stave off being ignored or anything, contact us one of the previously mentioned ways.
gods Within the next coming weeks, the gods will start appearing around more often and will be open for plotting with. More information will be forth-coming for characters to ICly discover. Everything will show up soon enough in
zodibrary but we will be making sporadic posts in the ooc comm (as well as on the mod
plurk) to alert of what's new and what's going on.
november events Due to some last minute rearranging, the November schedule hasn't been posted yet. Sorry!! It will be later on tonight, however (by the time the next mod post goes up)! In the meantime, just as a heads up: anon days will only be three times this month, an additional power will be granted/more upgrades to the current ones (more info in part 2), the Scorpio event will run from November 16-18 (more info in part 2) and the next attack will be November 28-29 (more info forth-coming next week). We will be asking for more volunteers for this, so be thinking on who you'd like to offer up!
That should cover everything for now. See you in part two!