september activity check

Sep 24, 2011 20:55

activity check!

This AC is for September 03 - October 01!

What you need to know:
Valid forms of activity: ( We ask you submit TWO (2) kinds of activity of the types listed below. These can be given in any combination! )

★ A post in zodion! This means a post you made! Posts count as long as you have replied to comments inside the entry! Meaning so long as you haven't dropped a handful of threads in the post and/or abandoned it completely, this counts.

★ An entry/participation in zodionlogs! We'd like to see a minimum of three to four comments from you, specifically, but we do also understand that logs are slower to be tagged!

★ 15+ comment threads in zodion! This counts for comment threads you made in entries that are not yours! You are free to link to a few different threads to get up to fifteen if one does not quite reach. The fifteen comments are comments from you, not! how many are in the thread as a whole.

For each character that you play, use the form below. Feel free to combine all characters in one comment.

Activity: (DATE) LINK
Activity: (DATE) LINK

★ If you were accepted in the month of September.
★ If you called a 10+ day hiatus at least a week before AC started.

! mod post, ! activity check

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