I read a blog on
RealSimple.com (a total moms’ magazine but I love it) and the blogger, Kristin van Ogtrop, got the idea from a friend to put her life in a pie chart. Its purpose was to help her see how her life is divided up among her priorities. I decided to do the same. This is how mine turned out:
Work: 24%
Traffic/Driving: 4%
Dinner/Cooking: 4%
Cleaning (minor): 4%
Getting ready/pretty: 4% (Yes this is a large number. I’m like very organized molasses. I know where everything is, I just take forever to get to it.)
Friends: 2% (Sad, just sad.)
Family: 2% (Equally sad.)
T.V.: 21% (Ok. This is a large number but this is usually how Wes and I spend time together. Also sad but it works for us.)
Personal Computer Time: 4%
Errands: 3%
Sleep: 29%
Exercise: 2%
Misc.: 5% (This is usually when I do major cleaning, walk the dog, projects, take a bubble bath, etc.)
So that’s it. That is my day to day life, on average. Hm. Looking at the 21% TV time versus the 2% exercise time makes me realize exactly why I am back to my heavy weight and my pants are a bit snug around the tush.
I also realize I waste a lot of time sleeping. 29%?! I could be doing something productive!
Not really. I know I need the sleep to power the other percents in my life. It does make you reassess your time though. Do I really need to spend 21% of my time at the TV? Couldn’t Wes and I go outside and do something for 21% of our time together? Or we could have sex 21% of the time?
Realistically, no. But a girl can dream, can’t she?
Mid Year Resolution: Increase Friend and Exercise percent. Also, find more hours/percents in the day.