May 09, 2008 17:46
So i've always been able to feel a spirits presence...and on ocassion i've seen and heard spirits. Theres been two in paticular that have been following me for 6 years. My guardian as i call him, because he's always been comferting and when he speaks its always to tell me things will turn out..and this other 'thing' when the other guy is around..its unsettling to an extreme. I've seen him before as well...and hes not friendly. he makes himself noticed by banging on things, and locking the bathroom door when no ones in it... (my guardian has locked out my husband from the house but thats cause he doesnt like him) and i got scared. I went on fourms and asked advice on how to deal with this threatening presence..everyone said to ignore it and it should lessen. I ignored it..and he spoke to me the other night as i was about to fall asleep (it pulled me awake from my half asleep state) he said he'd show himself soon but for now he found things to didnt sound friendly..and when he finished the sentence i called for my guardian to stay in the room with me..and i heard the bad voice saying my guardian couldnt protect me forever...and i saw a faint shadow in front of the bathroom door before i turned the lights on and attempted to go back to sleep.
my guardian sat there with me the whole night, calming me saying he wouldnt let it hurt me...but i'm scared of it.
i sound crazy i know..and michael says i'm being a child..but not one person i know believes in what i its hard.