Jul 03, 2014 13:10
I don’t understand the mindset of the people whose entire “Pro-Life” stance is centered wholly on preventing people from getting an abortion. They aren’t paying attention to why anyone would want to get an abortion and helping to address those issues, they are just stuck on stopping access. If someone is Pro-Life and was also supporting sex education, access to birth control, access to natal medical care, and welfare programs then I’d understand them, they would be acting in a consistent and logical manner. But most of these people are also opposed to all of those things too. They want to keep people uneducated and prevent access to birth control which just makes unintended pregnancies more likely. And then they don’t actually want to help with the child at all so someone with an unplanned pregnancy faces an enormous burden, which is especially greater to those already struggling financially. What these people are doing is ensuring that children are born to parents that did not want them.
Look, the idea of knowing that your parents didn’t want you is one of the most horrendously awful things that I can imagine, and these ardent “Pro-Lifers” that are ignoring all the reasons people may want an abortion are only making it occur more often. And that’s just evil. Seriously, I don’t know what other word to use outside of evil. Fostering an environment that creates unwanted children is just the height of cruelty and puts a lie to all their lip service about “saving the children.”