May 26, 2009 21:40
So, the previous week the issue of Wolverine I got was #73. The issue I had picked up prior to that one was #71. I assumed the shop had skipped again like they had with Cable #13. Nope, Marvel pulled a McFarlane and skipped the issue. What's really, exceptionally stupid is that issues 73 and 74 were already scheduled as fill-ins that were breaking up the horrendously delayed "Old Man Logan" story line. Since they were already going to interrupt the story, they should have just changed the number on 73 and 74 to 72 and 73, and made the now even later than it originally was #72 into #74. Yes, I know it's confusing, and, yes, I realize that #72 is supposed to come out this week, and, yes, I realize that renumbering things probably would have delayed them, and, hey, since #72 is supposed to come out this week, and number #73 came out two weeks ago, maybe they should have just held onto #73 until #72 was ready. But, nope, all for the dough, nothing for the know. McFarlane should be proud, the big boys are acting just like him.
Agents of Atlas #5 - great stuff
Dark Reign: Fantastic Four #3 of 5 - Still better than the regular series
Fantastic Four #566 - The Master of Doom? Uh-uh, the Master of Dumb
Hulk #12 - still overpriced. Next issue, the anniversary issue, is it.
Planet Skaar Prologue one-shot - good stuff
Punisher #5 - best dig at One More Day that I've read. Punisher is presented the offer: if he quits his crusade his family will be brought back from the dead for him. His response - "Maria wouldn't like me making deals with devils on her account." That's right, folks, when something is too reprehensible for the Punisher, you know it is some fucked up, stupid-ass shit. And that's what One More Day is.
Skrull Kill Krew #2 of 5 - better than it deserves to be
Uncanny X-Men #510 - freight train of fun
Wolverine Noir #2 of 4 - solid
Wolverine: Weapon X #2 - decent
X-Men Forever Alpha - reprints X-Men (1991) #1-3 by Claremont and Jim Lee to prepare for the new series that pretends that nothing since X-Men #3 has happened. I see a train wreck. The few preview pages already contain some glaringly awful inconsistencies (like Rogue's full name, which was finally revealed more than a decade later).
The Brave and the Bold #23 - Booster Gold and Magog by Dan "Booster Gold" Jurgens. As solid a read as the Booster Gold series itself, and I foresee this tying into it eventually.
G.I.Joe #5 - The plot had better start moving along, or I'm going to start giving it a "meh"
Transformers: All Hail Megatron #11 of 12 - sweet
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Official Movie Adaptation #1 of 4 - weak
back-issue buy in a $2.98 two-pack at Toys R Us
Nomad #16 (1993) - featuring Gambit
Weird Wonder Tales #22 (1977) - featuring Dr Druid (more accurately, it's reprints of pre-Marvel Lee & Kirby tales of a character named Dr Droom who, after the advent of Marvel and a certain Dr Doom, was renamed Dr Druid)
agents of atlas,
fantastic four,
booster gold,