It's embedded video time, folks. Yes, I actually did this for all four of Tom Dews' songs that we recorded, but the one embedded below is my favorite. Thanks for putting up with this!
If you want to play a pointless game, you can get both videos perfectly synchronized!
Click to view
Click to view
Looks like
Jon Moore and
Becca had the right idea about this. Jon said to wait and see what YouTube and Vimeo's transcoders did with it, and Becca said flat out that it wasn't worth doing. Well, neither version's any better than the other, and the video stream of the denoised video is a grand total of 23KB smaller. Big deal.
Might I be able to get "equal" quality at an even smaller file size by messing with denoising? Sure, but I don't think the savings are worth hours of extra processing time, even if I maximize my efficiency by running as many jobs in VirutalDub as I have processor cores -- hooray programs that'll launch multiple instances!
So that's that. Time to run the findings by the boss-man and go out gaming.
The 8-Minutes-Later Addendum!
Just to be thorough, I suppose I should look at some before and afters on DVD, too...
Edit on 26 April 2009
OK, so I deleted all of my experimental de-noised stuff, and that broke the second embedded video on this page. I felt bad about that, so I re-uploaded the de-noised version of "If I Die" and updated the embed code. Now it seems that video that wasn't good enough last month suddenly qualifies for YouTube's "High Quality" button. *sigh* Damn you and your inconsistent policies, you... wonderful free video hosting site, you!
Also, Richard and I finally watched a test DVD with both de-noised and untreated footage. He likes the untreated footage better and I agree. Case closed.