The Catch-All

Aug 02, 2008 11:51

I've posted about a bit here and a bit there, but I haven't really written about the big picture. So here's the big-picture, in brief:

My car broke down in Richmond a few days before the first pet sitting gig and I still don't have it back. I ordered a rebuilt transmission on the sixteenth of July, and it will get to the shop in Richmond on Monday. I've been begging and borrowing all month.

July was the month of ill-advised and impulsive things. That's not to say that I didn't do stupid stuff in June, it's just that the June impulsive act warrants its own entry, if I write about it on the internet at all.

I gave a ride to a stranger. She wasn't exactly a hitch-hiker - she came up to me at the gas station. Her excuse was that construction on the Route 50 pedestrian bridge had messed up the bus schedule. She looked homely and harmless, and I think she made sketches of people on the street for a living (she asked if I wanted a sketch several times. I declined). She seemed sufficiently wary of me: I dropped her off at the post office near where she lived. Still, she could have pulled a knife or a gun and I'd have been pretty screwed.

A few days later, I let a large, strange dog leap at my face without fear. I could tell from the dog's demeanor that it just wanted to give me a sloppy kiss, but since if was part pit-bull, I should have been more cautious.

I've been house and pet sitting since the July third. I'm in my second house now. The first two and a half weeks were for a friend while her family was vacationing in Maine. While she was gone, I met one of her neighbors and the above-mentioned friendly dog.

I've got hours and hours of footage from a Songwriters' Association of Washinton Showcase at Bangkok Blues, so there's plenty of work there, and maybe we've opened up another market for One Note Shy while we work on going national.

I made it to the top-tier of applicants for a sweet job at the National Endowment for the Arts, but ultimately wasn't selected. Getting a day job seems like the good way to kick start my crazy ideas for One Note Shy (of which there are many. I've been doing a ton of what's essentially consulting work in addition to my audio/video junk with Richard) and Facetime Continuum. Loans and venture capital don't come with health insurance.

I'm trying to get this LJ to show up on my Facebook feed. Every bit of traffic will help, and I've got to have some gamer-friends who wouldn't find this Journal on their own, right?

The dog I'm taking care of has an upset stomach, and I've scheduled a veterinary appointment for later today. Submissions for the The Summer 2008 Game Challenge should be turned in tonight. Even if taking care of Kefa (the dog) interferes with me submitting an entry on time, I'm going to develop the heck out of this game.

Whaddya know! it's almost appointment time...

one note shy, summer 2008 game challenge, music

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