(no subject)

Jun 15, 2008 21:26

There is a village in Newfoundland called "Dildo" http://www.innbythebaydildo.com/

Mike Meyers has terrible hair.

So today I did the whole Betty Crocker thing. I popped on my retro apron and cracked open my beautious cook book collection and loaded my computer and planned out a few scrumptious meals for myself. I baked my dad some Peanut Butter Toffee cookies. Up next: Crab, Black Bean and Avocado Wraps, recipe from Nigella Bites; Mediterranean Chicken; Lime Glazed Cookies; and possibly some Margarita Ice Cream! Whoo, I'm gonna be busy.

I was also considering doing some embroidery http://www.sublimestitching.com/luchalibre.html I bought this pattern the other day.

I should probably consider cleaning up my room because it is MAD cluttered, I am also reconsidering the Koi fish wall decals, ugh.

ALSO, we need to get sparklers for the cabin because this Friday is the summer solstice and we need to be heathens and frolic etc.
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