(no subject)

Jun 10, 2008 00:15

I found a book at the Old House Revival Co. called "A History of Orgies." I obviously MUST own this book, but I am too embarassed to buy it from my coworkers because they might not understand why it is funny, or something, as they don't know me very well yet. So I am trying to come up with a plan to get that book into my clutches.

Also, I hate ticketmaster and it is sucking my soul and making me want to die. So I now am going to begin a job hunt. Also, some of my co-workers are assholes, like the two young men who wer in the break room during my lunch. Their conversation went something like this:

Ass-face 1: "I am not a minority."

Ass-face 2: "Same, we are so fucking lucky."

Ass-face 1: "No kidding, I have never had any trouble in my life, I have a great apartment, I have enough money, I am good looking (he is NOT good looking), I have clothes on my back. I am a GREAT guy!"

Ass-face 2: "We really have nothing to complain about, I mean, I have a whole freezer stalked FULL of pizza pockets, and you know why? Because I can, because I want them and I am privilaged enough to have almost anything I want."

Ass-face 1: "We are so lucky we aren't black, brown, gay, muslim, chicks, or what have you. (after saying "chicks" he turned to me and said "no offense" to which my response was an exaggerated rolling of the eyes and a loud, irritated sigh followed by a "you're-a-jackass" look)

Ass-face 2: "I know, right? I have always been able to get whatever job I have wanted, all the turning down was done by me rejecting one job for a better one. I love pizza pockets so much I had a job in a fucking pizza pocket factory, no jokes, and I got them so cheap! (He then went on about pizza pockets for 15 minutes, I'm not even kidding, 15 minutes! It upped the whole retard level of this conversation by about 1,267 points!)

Ass-face 1: "Dude, I know what you mean, I love those fucking things (pizza pockets) and yeah, I have always gotten what ever job I wanted too!

Hillary: "You people CHOSE to work here? That's retarded." (I chose to ignore the fact that I opted to work there because it would have ruined my argument that they are the biggest ass fucks ever, obviously)

I actually went over the alloted break time in order to listen to these idiots because it was actually the most ridiculous conversation ever. I only wish I could have recorded it or something. I didn't even exaggerate it, I condensed it for you people, these guys ACTUALLY had this conversation, this discussion REALLY took place.

Anyways...so where should I work next?
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