Another fun weekend for Zach!

Oct 18, 2004 10:36

Well this weekend was a good one and I kept pretty busy throughout the whole weekend. On Friday during the day I picked up keppie @ like 10am and we went to my office to finish out a few things before it was tented for termites. And we were done with that be like noon. We went to lunch and i met up with Fidler and Glenn and i got my truck washed and he got his car detailed. Then we went to Fid's and chilled untill like 5 and then left for the Race Track, we raced our vehicles @ moroso and had a great time and both did very well. I turned a 15.8 in the truck (which is great seeing as Car and driver only ran a 16.0) and Fid turned a 14.1 at his best. When that was over @ about midnight we went to Denny's and had some late night snacks and then called it a night @ 2ish. Then Saturday was another day filled with nothingness and mayhem! it was so freakin beautiful this weekend it was like 63 low and 85 high all weekend never left those numbers! it was great. Saturday night i went over to Heathers for a party and stayed there till around 1ish... I had a great time and it was a good night! Then i went over to TacoBell @ around 2 and got some food then went home and slept. Sunday me and keppie had another early morning and went out crusing with my truck. We went down A1A (beach road) basically it follows the coastline and doesnt really stop untill really far south. So basically my weekend i didnt get anything done but still... who cares?!?!? Alright time for another week of the Zach routine! WOO-HOO!!! PEACE
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