Jul 21, 2011 13:33

 I swear to god I don't think anybody has as many freak dreams as I do. I just woke up from my best friend as a blue-ish grey total Zack Snyder's Dawn of the Dead zombie in my garage and me being forced to cut off his head with a hatchet - not even an AXE, a HATCHET - in order to secure safety upon me and my other bestie's brains. And it took like four or five wacks to get the monster-best-friend's head flying off - and it did fly, like seriously it flew. And just to top it off, my dad ended up getting bitten cuz my brother was too busy playing Killzone 3 to help me with the onslaught of neighborhood flesh-addicts.


PS; has anybody besides me noticed that hollywood zombies don't even EAT brains anymore? They're always pulling off limbs and ripping out insides but one never thinks to go for the grey matter. Ugh, monster culture has seriously digressed. 

why can't i be hot like milla jovovich i

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