

Mar 23, 2009 20:04

I accomplished my goal of running the Mercer Island Half Marathon. I think I've figured out my new goals. I want to:

  • Rest my knee: From my previous training, I know I can run at least 9 miles pain-free, I did it during this last training cycle. It was only when I tried to increase my pace too quickly that muscle imbalance started hurting my knee again. I'm fairly sure I can back off for a little bit, keep the physical therapy up, and get back to pain-free long runs. (Note: The pain this time around is much less than what was going on 3 years ago .. it's a dull pain now and usually manageable with ibuprofen.)
  • Run the inaugural Rock and Roll Half-Marathon in Seattle on 6/27. Sure, it's a bit pricey for a race, but it looks fun. That's 14 weeks away, which gives me a little time to run short long runs to try to heal my knee. If that goes well, I'm eying the Seattle Marathon on 11/29 - but I'm trying to be conservative for now.
  • Get down to 185 lbs by 6/27. I think that weight has been a contributing factor in the knee issue. Despite the fact that I just whipped out 13.1 miles, my weight has been hovering in the mid-190s since December. It's way too easy just to stuff my face after a run! 185 is less than a pound a week, shouldn't be hard.
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