Заметка о кандидатах в президенты США на английском.

Mar 13, 2012 17:04

I would like to present a brief and superficial review of US presidential candidates and their attitude to Russia. Frankly speaking, I don’t see any difference between Republican and Democratic Parties, however it would be convenient to use this kind of partitioning.

There is no sense in considering candidates’ economic and political plans because, I believe, the structural crisis in the world and in the USA particularly cannot be resolved without serious structural displacements, reduction or even cancellation of all kinds of social benefits, revision of credit and financial policy, which would lead to serious shortening of salaries, drop of standard of living, consumer society elimination and unrest; and stating these harsh decisions in presidential race campaign is a political suicide. Therefore I am going to look through candidates’ speeches touching upon Russia, because foreign policy stays the only sphere, where they can say what they truly believe or plan.

Republican Party.

Newt Gringrich. If you type his name and “Russia” in Google-search, the first and almost the only article, you would find is called “Newt Threatens China and Russia With Cyberwar”. Nice fellow, carry on! Thank God, we are not surprised, because this war is already on. Why not to promise to stop it?

Ron Paul. This gentleman seems to be a decent candidate. He states exactly those things we really want to see implemented. Actually, he seems to be the only one whose presidency is desirable. What he wants is to shut US military bases in Europe, Asia, Africa, to cease US support of all sorts of regimes, oppositions and so on. He is often called isolationist even by GOP members, however that is not true. He is not going to break political, diplomatic, trade and cultural ties with other countries, the only thing he wants is that US stops being the world policeman and aggressor. Let us hope he has a chance to win.

Mitt Romney. http://www.mittromney.com/issues/russia. “Upon taking office, Mitt Romney will reset the reset. He will implement a strategy that will seek to discourage aggressive or expansionist behavior on the part of Russia and encourage democratic political and economic reform. Review New START. Decrease Europe’s Energy Reliance on Russia. Build Stronger Relationships with Central Asia. Support Civil Society.” Well, thanks for the warning! Happily we know how to read such words. Abandon all the limitations on US strategic arms, weaken Russia’s position in Europe, squeeze Russia from central Asia, support unfriendly regimes, maintain unrest in Russia.

Rick Santorum. http://www.ricksantorum.com/oped/we-must-lead-front. “The president says "the threat of war is receding" but he’s wrong. The war is on, and its front lines are advancing towards us and our allies, above all toward Israel. We're facing a global alliance that includes Russia, North Korea, China, Iran, Syria, Venezuela, Bolivia, Nicaragua, Ecuador and of course Cuba. They are outspoken in their desire to weaken us and drive us out of their regions. Some of them--Iran, and the radical Islamists whose rise to power has been facilitated by this president--speak eagerly of destroying us, and our allies, especially Israel.”

Democratic Party.

Barack Obama. We have seen, what a president he is. More like a diplomatic official than a president. No matter what he says, it just does not affect the foreign policy of the USA, like he has no control over DOD and State Department. It is really hard to build constructive relationships when you deal only with the representative and never - with those, who make decisions.

Looking through the list of democratic candidates I get a feeling, that Obama doesn’t have serious rivals. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democratic_Party_presidential_candidates,_2012

In conclusion, I would say, that Ron Paul is the only one, who wants America to solve its problems on its own, not at the expense of the rest of the world and particularly Russia, let us wish him good luck.
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