women's jeans and lil' boys' shirts

Oct 05, 2005 00:37

So I one of the ink colors I made (that I had selected as a base for my latest screenprint) looked and had fairly the same consistency of semen. Looks rather fab on paper though. I was printing in the reductive method for screen printing tonight, just listenin' to the Kinks, havin' smoke breaks with Kolbe, and just gettin' messy. Been working on a print based off two drawing from my lil' sketchbook, a self-portrait profile and a sweet Teotihuacan-statue inspired Abe Lincoln-monkey. Fuck yeah.

BeRad may move here next semester, cuz he's applying to the internat'l business department if he doesn't go to UT. Naturally, I will move in with the ol' boy once my lease is up, being that he's one of my nearest'n'dearest and all.

I have been havin' so much fun lately just millin' aboot and the sort, ya know. Saw Ollie stand off against a large dog...and made him back off! Rockin' G'n'R! Whiskey shots with 18 year old boys at parties, tellin' ol' stories like I was the man (not "the man", the good kinda the-man-deal-type). O and I gave each other some good tats, really po-mo, man, totally po-mo. Got Chelsea drunk, hell yeah!

Had one of them impulse buys the other day. Just'a'walkin' 'round Best Buy and saw an Eastwood box set. Need I say more?

My crazy art history professor said we may have a video tomorry, which is good cuz I learn so much more from Leonard Nemoy than her. She must have a flask of whiskey, and with her salary, it is probably the good stuff.

M.Allen's birt'day was today, and I totally forgot. We did celebrate it on Friday, and the barty was pumpin', er rather the party was bumpin' and all. I will just hafta smother him with belated b-day love in hopes that he has not forgotten me. Most likely he went in to Lacuna Inc. and had all memories of me erased. So I have three options: a) re-introduce myself and revamp our friendship with a clean slate; b) be a vindictive, deranged sociopath who scourges the Earth just hauntin'n'ne'er-do-wellin' to fill my M.Allen void; or c) erase him from my memory and have fate doom us to repeat our tragic mistakes.

I was a student representative on a panel to discuss the film "Crash", and it was an odd experience. I enjoy the movie, but I felt out of place being surrounded by faculty. I only managed to speak up twice, I suppose I had stage fright, and only replied when a question was directed towards me. Next time, I will stare just at my friends and imagine that I am directly discussing with them, yeah, that's the ticket. I dunno, I felt the whole thing was very unorganized, the dude who organized it didn't email us until the day of the event with information pertaining to us. And, I felt he didn't even give us enough info, I felt lost. Also, I felt the female professors were the only ones with much insight on social issues, although the dude professors knew technicalities, they said some generalized white dude stuff. Oh well. Still fun, and I am appreciative that I was selected. Thanks to all that came, even you James, who had intended on attending anyhow.

Anyway, I gotta go inform Olivia that if you hold your cigarette in the "opposite hand", it frees your "writin' hand" for writin'/drawin'/thumb-warrin'/etc.
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