Nov 10, 2004 00:11
P. Diddy really tried to motivate the youth of 'merica to go out and vote. However, many of my peers have brought shame to his commendable, yet highly futile political advocacy. Ergo, he had intended to fulfill the ultimatum of his Citizen Change slogan: "vote or die". Before election day, I had lunch with Puff and Chris Walkens (we call him, C-Walks), and Diddy said he planned to undertake this massacre via "The Ring" style. Are you familiar with this movie? You recieve a phone call that states "in seven days, you will die", and Puff was going to run up some phone bill madness just to contact every apathetic citizen within the assigned "young people" category range. Fortunately, I alone was able to convince him to not proceed with the killings, because some of those non-voters were my friends. In hindsight, I really should have just asked him to spare my friends and get rid of the rest of them.
I heard a magnificent quote from this guy named Travis in my etching class, during etching class! He, Fobreezy, M.Allen (of former Someday bassist fame), and myself were waxin' eloquence as per usual, and that is when it happened. "I am not afraid of anything I can kick in the face." Fucking amazing. The statement was in reference to a television program of which had a little person in a rat suit who would attack unsuspecting strangers. We all had a good life, it was wonderful. Consequently, I do not feel as if this statement can truly represent myself. I mean, I am abnormally flexible and would have no trouble to physically kick a 7ft.+ bohemoth square between their eyes. Being so, I was troubled for about a day or so over the matter. How did I get over such prevailing thoughts of being inadequately prepared to live up to a off-handed quote? I just assumed the situation would never rise, and now I feel at ease.
Ladies, ladies, you can resume your touchy-feely nature with me, because I am not spoken for, afterall. She and I are just going to remain as dancing buddies, so feel free to continually boost my ego with compliments, and then take care of my tender heart during quiet alone time.
Tomorrow, Nick intends to break the record of chili cheese dogs eaten at this fast food joint in town, I recommend that you attend. Wu-Tang's greatest hits CD will be blaring.
I have a lot of homework due right before Thanksgiving, and I will be in Costa Rica, so now I hafta pump up the school work. I gotta work on a page for a children's story book with photoshop, a book report, I think one test, maybe a drawing critique and hopefully just those. I am set for all my art classes, I already have the image sketched out for photoshop, my drawing instructor likes my stuff so I'll charm her into another one of our playful arguments, and I have a series ready to begin in etching. Da-damn. I saw this collaboration of Alan and Cassie and it got me so psyched that I really want to work with somebody on joint efforts. My three favorite people at the school are Joe, Sherman and M.Allen so hopefully one of those gorgeous men would be into it.
Not only has my brother's voice finally dropped this semester, but he's become hilarious. He's guaranteed to say at least one zing a day that is utterly stomach-tensing-laughter-inducing. I mean, he says more than one, but at least one of those is so out of there. I dunno how he developed such a dry wit so fastly, but I sure enjoy it. Sure, he has his misses, but who can blame him, he's just a kid.