I am a big fan of Chinese traditional paintings so naturally I was excited to go to the demonstration by a painting professor from China. However, I was unaware of the Tao influence upon this medium, which led into multiple brief explanations of minuscular details of how these philosophical teachings are influential over the painting instructions. To shed light, he uses the yin yang with lines painted through it, explaining that the Chinese conceptualize things with weighted values in both what could be good and what could be bad, or take in consideration that nothing is ever clearly one-sided. Then he paints this square and divides it into two retangles, one black and one white, with a line separating the two. This was of course his speculation of the American conceptualization, and it bums me out that's how a large percentage of the world probably generalizes all Americans. Obviously I already knew this, but it's a drag to have to be reminded of it in a seemingly reprimanding way, which is probably what we need but not at the level of a demonstration.
BeRad's big birthday blowout is this weekend, thanks to a Drown the Clown who apparently is paying for all the festivities. So yes, I am driving to Austin and San Marcos on Thursday evening or early Friday with a pitstop in D-town. So here are the party stats: five kegs, wet tshirt contest, moonbounce, slip'n'slide with oil, and its in San Marcos which is a large party school. Nelson's mom bought us snacks for the roadtrip too, so you know he is coming but so is Richichi and hopefully Russ since BeRad loves him. T-Trent, Jordan, Kent and Atrain are all goin from D-town too, so it sounds like this is going to be one broffensively-brotesque-bromantic-broverload. I wish Travis could attend, because then all the originals from Denton could put our magic rings together and release the magic of our spiritual leader, Zollie the Canine Sapien Demonica. You'll see pictures this entry, I swear.
I made a monoprint/watercolor for the Halfie House that the Artist-in-Residence approved, as well as my etching professor and fellow classmates dug. Plus Joe seemed to dig his monoprint I made him, and honestly I thought I messed up bad on it, so Joe you are going to have to let me try to fix the portion I was displeased with first. I started painting this star design I doodle a lot, and considered making it into a stencil, but for now it's huge monoprint sitting in my locker. Then I got a few good copies of some drypoint and plexiglass carved, which were due, and left the bad copies in the locker which still turned out decent for my first time with drypoint.
Ollie is snoring loudly in my room.
Texas Trip = Fridays, and I don't mean the day.
**Special Entry Revisable Revisitation**
How did I forget to mention the awesome dance party from this weekend? Once again, my crew stole the limelight. That's right, James, Nick and Russ are all exceptional dancers too (this would imply that I am one as well, which is very true). I was everywhere, on the tables, with tons of broads, and I threw out all sorts of hip hop influenced moves, as well as my Sara Jessica Parker Gap steez. The best part of dancing would have been dancing with Nat's lil' sister because he flipped me off because of it. Also, Ed was there, and he's always dancing, so I am sure his skills and energy transferred to all those around him.
Since I can't be a girl anymore for Halloween (haircut), I want to be a poptart archangel and since I invented those, all signs point to the fact that I will not be able to find such a costume in the store. Maybe I will dress up like my spiritual guru, Zollie.