Apr 17, 2010 22:36
Pretty good afternoon. Em and I went to Borders and picked out Katie's B-Day gift. We then went to Fuji Grill and had some yakitori, beef negamaki and I had green tea. We then went to Dessert Deli and got a PB & J Love thing. It was so rich and yummy.
Other than that, nothing else has been happening lately. I will be graduating next month and can't wait. Oh, the criminal justice department in New York state is very inefficient. I need a background check for a visa application/teaching in Korea and I need an official document. Went to their site and they say go here and they will do your fingerprinting and record review. Did the fingerprint and asked the lady about the background check, she had no clue. A week later I received it in the mail and behold it looks like it was printed off the internet and it said my ethnicity was Hispanic. Ummm.....hello? My photo attached to the document...pretty sure my face was glowing white and caused a light reflection on the lens. I dont think a Hispanic gets that white even if they do not see the sun for a few years...I could be wrong. Anyway, sent it back telling them to fix it and that I need an official document. Two weeks later I finally receive a response and they sent the printed version again. I was also told that the official document was handled by the finger printing services. So I called them, put on hold for 10 minutes and argue with the lady (she kept trying to make another fingerprint session). She then told me that they gave the criminal justice department the fingerprints and they were supposed to give me the document. So I tried to call them and behold...they are out of town till next week >:(
Least to say I am not happy with my criminal justice department. Not only is their site wrong, they are also not coordinated.
Rob and I tried a new Asian buffet. Was pretty good and they sold little handmade Chinese knot things. Rob bought me a Chinese knot rose...its so pretty and smells like a rose too :)