Aug 29, 2010 21:38

Oh my god, school is fucking tomorrow. Guess how much I DON'T want to go?

I have reason after reason for why I don't.

1. My fucked up SCHEDULE that I have been complaining about via AIM and twitter for days on end. Can you blame me? I'm stuck with Greg and Blue Flame and all the other raging douchers. I just know they aren't going to leave me alone. Additionally, I have gym with Brandy. I don't even have Spanish class with Maddie, Tom or Emily. I hope my schedule is altered.

2. My douchebaggery. Okay, I am a douchebag; there's no denying it. However, it has come to my attention that such antics including skipping down the halls screaming/singing like a crazy girl, blurting out obscure geograhy answers in World History class, and remarking on how much Mexico is shaped like a stomach (boom) in the middle of Spanish class are not very good ways to get people to like me. I need to tone it down, for my own sake. This will also help to reduce the attraction of aformentioned douchebags to me. Hooray.

3. I have a bad feeling I'm going to have to do concert choir with Blue Flame and kids I'm not friends with for the rest of the year. It's not that I don't think I can get chamber, I'm just afraid I can't win a study hall for period G. Damn it.

4. LUNCH IS GONNA SUCK BALLS. I'm stuck with THEM again. And when faced with the threat of sitting with an all-douchebag table and Tom, Victor (who has lunch with me) chooses the latter. Can I blame him? But I'm stuck with them. And I'm mad, even though they can't control it.

5. Obviously, the school work. The actual classes probably won't be so bad, but then, there's CAPT. The American education system, I've discovered, does not affectively prepare its students for tests such as CAPT. By this, I mean they're going to teach us information that's completely irrelevant to the test. Fuck...

I am shitting bricks. If I'm a wallflower at YPCCA, where it's all super nice theatre kids, what the hell is it going to be like at school?!

All I can say is, there is no excuse for me NOT to get high honors. I'M GONNA DO IT, DAMN IT. Watch me...
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