semi-cyclic fluctuating pscyhosomatic disparity

Oct 16, 2011 21:34

So I'm watching Stein's;Gate and aside from my immediate liking for Mayushii for her innocence, which is a nice contrast to Okarin's madness, I find that I am also quite attracted to Kurisu. Closer inspection of said reaction shows that there is also a memory element to it, specifically she reminds me of someone. Following this trail finally lead me to C.C. Of course from here the trail branches to a lot of different things, pizza, long green hair and tsunderes being of note.

Are they gone? No matter.

Now, for the rest of you who still have their browsers tuned to this post and reading: Why is this relevant, or even remotely important? Well, it really isn't all that important. However, it can be taken as proof of the type of ladies I am more inclined to like. For quite a while I haven't really clearly defined what I am looking for, and no I will not make that definition now, however one thing is clear: I have a thing for tsunderes. Yes, yes, I know some of you are already aware of that. But for the benefit of those who don't or are just utterly bored and have nothing to do, let that be known.

What is a tsundere? Really? Are you serious? Well, I suppose not all who have access to my corner of the wired is one of my kind. Kindly guide your mouse to the X at the upper right corner (or that red thing for Macs, I don't really remember) and spend your time elsewhere. Perhaps Google, or wherever you can find definitions for words.

So where was I? Ah yes, preferences. However, please do note that it cannot simply be your run of the mill tsundere. There are certain criteria. The most important of which is how is the tsun really in effect. Obviously there are those who are petty and violent, while others develop their tsun side by simply being indecisive. These types sadly gain little favor from me. It is the aloof ones that spark my interest. A certain type of elitism that exudes refined taste, control and a sense of decisiveness. It shows their control over their emotions, patience and wisdom, and ultimately power over themselves. They are independent and whole, and as such only seek value to add to themselves, or one to share what they have. A want instead of a need.

Aside from this trait, intellect is also --is it time already? Perhaps I can continue this some other time? Of course that is if memory and muses allow it. I know better however, and nothing is lost if I cannot continue. My ideals are unreachable and I do not expect anyone to pass my standard.

The sandman comes and now I must depart to lands unknown.

anime, prose, crazy, writing, life

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