Trees Against The Sky - Chapter Six

Nov 06, 2011 16:06

Title: Trees Against the Sky
Author: zjofierose
Wordcount: 16k
Rating: Hard R/NC-17
Warnings: mentions of past violence, description of a killing.
Beta: the magnificent, the brilliant, the fantastic emmessann
For: a lovely fellow Trekkie who prefers to remain nameless, but who gave a very lovely donation for me in the help_queensland auction. *waves* hi, bb! It took forever, but it’s extra long, so I hope that helps!
Thanks to: medea_fic, as always, for hand-holding, whine-listening, and general awesomeness. Likewise lousy_science, for being her fabulous self. And also much love to ewinfic for giving it a reassuring once-over halfway through that made me feel much better. I <3 you all forever. Also piles of love for arminaa who is putting out this danged thing. You are amazing.
And a Final Note: this fic was originally the brainchild of the wonderful 13empress. She has kindly allowed me to take it over and write it in my own way, but I am forever grateful to her for the initial idea, and for the generous encouragement. <3

ETA A/N:  so, yeah, i totally forgot about actually posting this thing to my LJ. heh. well, hope you enjoy it! original version appeared
in the Universal Constant online zine, which you can read/download here-

Summary: When Spock is critically injured in a crash on a strange planet, who is going to save him? And what on Vulcan is a strange, abandoned human doing here?

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five

Chapter 6

Bones has refused to stand near the windows, sitting instead as close to the center of the ship as possible. Spock supposes that he should not be surprised by the shaman’s distaste for flying, given that he had never been off the ground in his life, but he finds himself routinely surprised by Bones, so he chalks it up to normalcy.

Jim, on the other hand…Spock looks over at him, pressed to the transparent viewing wall. Once he had gotten over his initial nerves during take-off, he had taken to space like a sehlat to desert sand, eagerly examining every console, every instrument. He has already made Spock name every star they can reasonably identify twice, and the look on his face at seeing his planet from above will be one of Spock’s treasured memories for the rest of his life.

He walks over, standing next to Jim at the viewer, allowing himself a moment of pleasure as Jim unconsciously shifts his body closer to Spock’s, reaching out to snag his fingers in Spock’s shirt front.

He doesn’t know what this is, or who they’ll be. He doesn’t know where they’ll go, or what they’ll do, or who they’ll meet, or what they’ll become. But he does know this - whatever it is, it will be Jim’s own best destiny, and Spock? Will be there at his side.

A tree against the sky possesses the same interest, the same character, the same expression as the figure of a human.
Georges Rouault

Caresses, expressions of one sort or another, are necessary to the life of the affections as leaves are to the life of a tree. If they are wholly restrained, love will die at the roots.
Nathaniel Hawthorne

ficficfic, helpqueensland!, k/s, i am a charity whore, au, rating: nc-17

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