Mar 13, 2011 23:13

so i go away for the weekend for a spiritual retreat in the redwoods on thurs afternoon, and as i'm pulling into the closest thing to civilization i've seen in days around two this afternoon, my cell phone, which has been off all weekend, starts going in-fucking-sane with messages from my mother wanting to know that i haven't died in a tsunami (these redwoods? yeah, right on the california coast).

What. the Ever-loving. Fuck.

so, apparently there was an epic fucking earthquake this weekend, one so motherfucking huge that it shifted the earth's axis.

who knew?

so, now that i've called my mother and reassured her that i was in fact up on the cliffs, not down on the beach, and ascertained that at least two of my friends who live in japan are ok, i'm looking at all these help_japan offerings.

frankly, i am bogged down in fic. up to my eyeballs and under in fic. BUT. if you love me, and you are WILLING TO WAIT FOR IT (like, a while, people), you can bid for my fic here.

you can bid for a fanmix from me here.

if you would like something perhaps a bit more interesting, you can bid here.

bid high, folks. i <3 japan.

dodgy craft item, ficficfic, i am a charity whore

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