(resource) Indigenous knowledge and climate change

May 16, 2012 11:26

The Eldis Indigenous Knowledge and Climate Change website provides links to resource guides, online films, and related information. This appears to be a rather extensive website, inclusive of collaborative projects. I've only had time to explore a little bit but it's interesting.

"The potential of indigenous knowledge for informing observations of, and responses to climate change is an area of growing interest, particularly for those working at community level where access to other forms of “scientific” knowledge are inaccessible or incomplete, but increasingly in international forums such as the UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) and IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change) as well. While this potential is exciting and may offer new ways to directly engage local communities in action on climate change, it also brings with it important concerns about power, rights, and ethics in engaging with these kinds of partnerships. This key issues guide provides resources for better understanding the relationship between indigenous knowledge and climate change, the potential this relationship may hold, and the challenges that may underlie it. "

Eldis, an NGO funded by UKaid and Irish Aid, is described on its website as "one of a family of knowledge services from the Institute of Development Studies, Sussex."

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resources, people, indigenous

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