Distractions, particularly in the area of art, books, and meals with conversation, have been plentiful & welcome recently.
Here's a nice one. In truth, I'd probably feel frightened if I awoke in Paris at 5:46 a.m. and found the city in this condition, with its vibrant human life absent, but it's still fascinating to watch. Three summers ago I was in Chicago for the American Library Association conference and found myself walking through a barely populated downtown at 6:45 a.m. on a Saturday morning. Heavy rain had fallen the night before, but the morning sky was clear; sunlight gilded the shining buildings and gave the puddles a metallic sheen. I saw few people as I walked several blocks between hotels. It was quiet, and mysterious, and not at all dystopian.
5:46 am from
ArtefactoryLab on
Personal life was rather difficult in September. Much admired friend, a kind, creative man, passed away from cancer. Then another cancer diagnosis for beloved parent. Learned that hard-working friend was unceremoniously laid off from 17-year tenure at corporate job. She's frugal and practical, but it's still bad news. My own job & paid freelance work still exist, but are somewhat altered by budget cuts. Dealt with all of it by keeping busy, rushing to plant a few winter crops, and trying to do nice things for friends, acquaintances, and some community groups I've been involved with for several years -- organizations serving low-income kids & families & homeless women, specifically, though in our changing economy I'd like to know more about which nonprofits offer support - not only financial, but social support -- to the single & childless.
This is a tough time to be without friends or extended family if you're living in the U.S. and have certain limitations to your financial or social capital.
Due to ongoing personal issues I have only begun to catch up on coverage of the Wall Street occupation and protests, and I'm probably late to the game on this recommendation, but here it is anyway:
Please take a moment to look at the
wearethe99percent Tumblr, if you haven't already. People openly discuss the reality of having to choose between food and rent, dealing with health problems and job layoffs, student loan debt / questioning the value of higher education, etc.
The state of things? I've got no answers; some days it's tough to form the questions. But I can at least put some energy into listening, and trying to help at a local level.
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