Hi folks,
I didn´t make an update since... wow since 4th February. (except mutual friends birthday wishes) OK, shame on me! :)
What is my excuse? Very bussy school time and health problems and last month I was sooo lazy. But what´s new?
After the Easter I´ve made new layout so I want to say THANK YOU to
janine42584 for inspiration and layout code :)
I also have twitter and tumblr acounts, so if you want following me, here they are:
tumblr - I´m newbie, but I hope it will get better
twitter -I´ve had never need to share all my thoughts in every minute of my day, so there is no much for read.
Fandom news: I started watching Doctor Who (David Tennant rocks!!!) and Hawaii Five-0 ♥♥♥
And finaly, here is the reason, why I´m back. Does anybody want some Supernatural wallpapers? :)
For textures thanks to:
http://livingdeadgirl.delirious-soul.net/ ;
http://left-unspoken.net/shadowoftheday/ ;
http://left-unspoken.net/mongrelminds/ RULES:
- do not hotlink, please
- don't claim as your own
- if post on other websites then credit
- do not use for making another wallpapers
Comments are always love ♥