You Hold Me Down and You Hold Me Up

Sep 10, 2013 13:17

Title: You Hold Me Down and You Hold Me Up
Author: zeropercent
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Chanyeol/Sehun, Chen/Lay
Summary: 4.3k. Chanyeol doesn’t know what it is that draws him to the pink haired boy in his calculus class.
Warnings: Homophobia (Violence due to homophobia, homophobic slurs)
Disclaimer: Cut and title go to Marina and the Diamonds. Not real, didn’t happen, false, etc.

Chanyeol doesn’t know what it is that draws him to the pink haired boy in his calculus class. But Chanyeol constantly finds himself averting his gaze when the boy finds out he’s being watched. He thinks it’s the way the boy always looks lost. Or the way he frowns down at his papers with his eyebrows furrowed. He’s new, has only been at this school for a week now. The teacher didn’t introduce him, so Chanyeol doesn’t know his name.

In a class where students are paired, he sits by himself. But so does Chanyeol. And Chanyeol wants to say hey come sit with me. But he doesn’t know how friendly this boy is. For all he knows, he could be a giant asshole.

Chanyeol twirls his pencil, eyes focused on pastel pink hair.

The teacher calls on a student to answer a question. When they say they don’t know, the teacher says, “Sehun?”

Chanyeol swallows the lump in his throat as the pink haired boy looks down and shakes his head, not saying a word.

Sehun. His name is Sehun.


Chanyeol spots Sehun at lunch. Sehun keeps his head lowered, walking past everyone to go to the bathroom.

Chanyeol nudges Jongdae’s shoulder. “Jongdae.” Jongdae hums through his food. Chanyeol asks, “Do you know Sehun? The new pink haired kid?”

“Nope. No clue.”

Chanyeol gets up, “I’ll be back.” He throws his empty lunch tray in the trash and follows the same path Sehun took.

A nasally voice says, “Hey faggot. I hear you got kicked out of your old school for sucking a teacher’s dick.”

Another voice, slightly deeper, laughs. “Careful, dude, he might suck your dick, too.”

“Fag.” A black haired boy throws a punch and spits.

Now, Chanyeol isn’t one to play hero. But he can’t stop himself as he looms over the boys who have Sehun pressed against the wall and asks, “You have a problem?” The boys cower in fear and Chanyeol snaps, “Get lost.”

Sehun looks up at him with wide eyes. His jaw is swelling, blood dripping from his nose. Sehun seems to shrink and Chanyeol holds him up. “Are you going to be okay?” Sehun nods and blood falls onto his uniform shirt. Chanyeol goes into a stall, grabbing toilet paper and pressing it to Sehun’s nose.

“I’m Chanyeol.”

“You always look at me.”

Taken back, Chanyeol feels his cheeks get hot. “Well. You’re new and you’re always by yourself.” Chanyeol has never heard Sehun speak before. To hear more, he asks, “What’s your name?”


Chanyeol wants to get him to keep talking. Wants to ask questions like, what’s your favorite food or what’s your favorite band. But now isn’t really the time, he thinks.

“C’mon, you need to go to the nurse.”


Sehun sits on one of the beds in the nurse’s office, an ice pack pressed to the side of his face. Chanyeol stares. Sehun’s eyelashes flutter and he sighs. “Please stop looking at me.”

Chanyeol apologizes and looks at the floor.

Sehun whispers, “What they said wasn’t true. I know you heard it.”

“It’s okay.”

Sehun shifts, lying down. He closes his eyes.

The door opens and a relieved voice says, “Holy shit you’re okay.” Jongdae smacks Chanyeol upside the head. “Someone told me you went to the nurse and I almost had a heart attack.”

“Oh. I’m fine. It’s...Sehun.”

Jongdae takes a seat beside Chanyeol, gaze fixed on Sehun. “What happened?”

Chanyeol just says, “Homophobes.”

Jongdae nods sympathetically. “Well. Welcome to the homo club. I’m the president and Chanyeol is the vice president.” Chanyeol pushes Jongdae’s shoulder. Sehun doesn’t look amused. Jongdae laughs awkwardly. “It’ll get easier. Just chill with us.”

Sehun frowns. “Are you making fun of me?”

“No! No, seriously, Chanyeol and I are full-fledged homosexuals.” Chanyeol wants to kick Jongdae in the balls.

Sehun sits up. He looks at Chanyeol, expression unreadable. He lowers the ice pack. The swelling has gone down. “Well...thanks.”

Jongdae smiles. “No problem. We usually sit behind the gym at lunch. If not, we’re in the courtyard. Just come find us.”


Chanyeol pulls out his calculus textbook, feeling something brush his side. He glances over and Sehun has taken a seat beside him. Chanyeol beams, “Hey.”

Sehun mumbles, “Hi. Can I sit here?”

“Yeah. Of course.”

Sehun has a nasty bruise on his jaw. His nose is a tiny bit red. His shirt is buttoned up all the way and it looks a little silly.

Even though the question is kind of foolish, it still leaves Chanyeol’s lips, “How’re you feeling?”

“My face hurts.”

Chanyeol rubs his shoulder, “It won’t happen to you again.”

Sehun fiddles with his pen. “So...people know you’re gay?” Chanyeol nods. “And they don’t care?”

“Well they used to. Jongdae ended up with a bruise like that once. I almost got beat up once but I stood up and they got scared of my height. So they don’t fuck with me. And now that Jongdae’s my friend, they leave him alone.”


“Honestly, all of them are just little wimps. Things will be fine.”

Sehun tugs on his shirt collar and gulps. “I hope so.”


“Hey, quit sucking face. We have a guest.”

Jongdae pulls away from Yixing, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. “Sehun! This is Yixing. This is Sehun. The latest addition to the homo club.”

Chanyeol groans, “We are not a fucking club!”

Jongdae retorts, “We could be. We have potential!”

Amidst those two, Yixing smiles and says, “Hi, Sehun.”


Sehun picks at his food, tearing apart his bread. Chanyeol stuffs his face, talking with his mouth full about his science teacher. Yixing leans on Jongdae, working on something in his notebook.


Sehun looks at Chanyeol, “What?”

“Every weekend we go and hang out at Jongdae’s house. Do you want to come?”

Sehun hesitates. “Um. I don’t know.” He doesn’t know how to feel about hanging out with all of them just yet.

“It’s fun. We get pizza and shit.” Chanyeol swallows his food, “And the bed in the guest bedroom is awesome.”

Sehun’s cheeks flush and he really doesn’t know about hanging out with them, and spending the night, and possibly having to share a bed.

Chanyeol unzips his backpack, handing Sehun his phone. “Here, put your number in.” Sehun complies and Chanyeol does the same to Sehun’s phone. Chanyeol grins. “I’ll text you the address tomorrow. Your choice if you want to come or not, okay?”


Yixing asks, “Are you in our grade?”

Sehun shakes his head and goes to speak but Chanyeol interjects, “But you’re in calculus!”

“I’m ahead in math by a year. I’m a junior.”

Chanyeol gapes, calling him a genius. Sehun turns his head to hide his blush.


Chanyeol lowers his pizza. “Do you think Sehun’s going to show up?”

Jongdae shrugs and licks sauce from the corner of his mouth, “Probably not. I mean, I wouldn’t show up either after hearing I’d have to share a bed with you.”

Chanyeol kicks him and Yixing laughs. They all look to the door when there’s a knock. Jongdae’s mother says, “Your friend is here.”

The door opens and Sehun bows to the woman, sitting next to Chanyeol. “Hi.”

Chanyeol smiles brightly and puts a slice of pizza in Sehun’s hand. “Hey.” He sincerely says, “I’m glad you came.”

Jongdae coughs get a room. Sehun doesn’t seem to notice but Chanyeol glares.


Sehun stands at the edge of the bed, contemplating whether to get in or not. Chanyeol looks at him, “I don’t bite. Seriously, I won’t touch you if you don’t want me to, I promise.”

Sehun slips in under the blanket, pressing his face to the pillow. He stays silent for a few minutes before whispering, “Chanyeol hyung?”


“I’ve never-I’ve never slept over at someone else’s house before.”

Chanyeol turns. “Are you scared?” Sehun nods. Chanyeol finds his innocence ridiculously endearing. “Nothing’s going to happen to you here.” Sehun scoots closer and Chanyeol tentatively slides an arm around his waist. He assures him, “Jongdae’s house is one of the safest.”

Sehun lets out a shaky exhale, relaxing. “Okay.”

“Why did you transfer schools?” Sehun stiffens and Chanyeol starts, “I’m sorry, you don’t-”

“I was getting beat up every day. My mom thought they were going to kill me. She thought a new school would be better. But the kids who gave me this bruise know the ones at my old school.”

Chanyeol reaches out and brushes his fingertips over the purpled skin. “You don’t need to worry about that anymore.”

Sehun closes his eyes, “Thank you, hyung.”

“It’s no problem.”


Chanyeol wakes up to Sehun curled around him, his head tucked under his chin. He tenses up, glancing down. Sehun wiggles a little and lets out a long breath, warmth hitting Chanyeol’s neck. Chanyeol wonders how he’s going to get up without waking him.

He would try to form a plan but Sehun’s arms are so tight around him, he seriously can’t move. He simply stays there, staring at the painting on the wall.

Thankfully it doesn’t take long before Sehun’s yawning and stretching. Sehun blinks at him and realizes his position. He backs away, almost falling off of the bed. “I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to-”

Chanyeol pats his disheveled hair, “It’s okay.” He rolls out of bed, scratching the back of his head. “I’m going to brush my teeth.”

Sehun nods and buries himself further under the sheets.


“Sehun?” Sehun tears his gaze from his worksheet. Chanyeol asks, “Did you have a nice time?” He forgot to text him. Not that it matters, he sees him every day in class.

“Yeah. Jongdae’s fun.” He appears worried, “I’m sorry about-”

“Don’t apologize. It’s fine.” Chanyeol tilts his head and smiles, “You were warm anyway.”

Sehun blushes furiously and quickly turns his head. Chanyeol thinks it’s a habit of his. He lightly pokes him with his pencil and can see Sehun bite his lip to fight back a grin.


Sehun fits in nicely with all three of them. His sense of humor is similar to Chanyeol’s and he always laughs at his jokes. Chanyeol likes the way his eyes sparkle when he looks at him.

Sehun’s quiet for the most part. He listens intently to their conversations, very rarely speaking up about something. Chanyeol asks him questions just to get him to talk. He really loves Sehun’s voice.

Sehun sits close to Chanyeol, like being next to him will keep him safe. Chanyeol doesn’t mind. He enjoys having Sehun’s elbow lightly dig into his side every time he brings his sandwich up to take a bite out of it.


The next day, Sehun trudges into class, slumped over. He puts his arms on the desk and buries his face in them. Concerned, Chanyeol places his hand between his shoulders. “Sehun, are you okay?”

Sehun nods. Chanyeol pushes, “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. Just tired.”

“Did someone give you shit?”


Chanyeol shakes him slightly and Sehun turns his head to look at him. His eyes are red and swollen, like he had been crying for a long time. Chanyeol brushes his thumb over his cheek, “What’s up?”

“My parents were just arguing a lot. I couldn’t sleep.”

“I’m sorry to hear that.” Chanyeol feels something tighten in his chest. He wants to wrap his arms around Sehun and tell him to get some rest.

“It’s fine.”

“You know, you can always come to my house if you don’t want to be at yours. Here,” he scribbles his address down and slides the paper over. “Jongdae used to come over a lot in the middle of the night. Before his parents divorced.” Chanyeol ruffles Sehun’s hair, “It’ll all be alright.”


Three nights later, Chanyeol’s phone vibrates nonstop, and he realizes he’s getting a phone call before it goes to voicemail. He turns over and puts his glasses on, picking it up. “Hello?”

“Were you sleeping? I’m so sor-”

“Sehun? Are you okay? Where are you?”

“Um. Outside.”

Chanyeol gets up, padding to the front door. He opens it and Sehun’s there, completely soaked from the rain, with his backpack slung over his shoulder. Chanyeol says, “Get in here.”

Sehun shivers as the cold air makes contact with his body. Chanyeol guides him to his room and gets him a towel and a fresh pair of clothes. “Just be quiet so my parents don’t wake up.” Sehun heads into the bathroom to change.

Sehun doesn’t take long, holding his wet clothes in his arms.

“Just toss them on the floor. You can borrow one of my uniforms tomorrow.”

Sehun does as he’s told and sits on the bed. “They don’t stop.” Chanyeol grabs him, pulling him against him. Sehun tenses before going limp, curling up to Chanyeol and letting out a muffled sob.

“It’s okay.” Chanyeol pulls the blanket up, wrapping it around both of them. Sehun stays with his face pressed to Chanyeol’s chest, wiping at his eyes.

Between little hiccups, Sehun whispers, “I didn’t know you wear glasses.”

“Only sometimes.”

Sehun rests his head against the pillow. “I thought he was okay with it. But I heard him yelling about how being gay is wrong, and how I’m a disgrace.”

“Your dad?”

Sehun nods. “He’s always on business trips so I never see him. But...he’s on break now for two weeks before he has to go back out. All he’s doing is yelling.”

Chanyeol cards his fingers through Sehun’s hair, “Don’t listen to him. He’s not worth your time.” Sehun looks up, eyelashes damp. Chanyeol mumbles, “Don’t worry.”

“I didn’t ask for this.” He sighs. “I didn’t ask to be shunned by someone who loves me…or, who’s supposed to love me.”

“If he loved you, he wouldn’t treat you so poorly.”

“I know...fuck. I know.” Sehun’s voice squeaks and he starts to cry again, shoulders shaking from his sobs. He grabs Chanyeol’s shirt. For some reason, it comforts him.

Chanyeol rubs his back until he falls asleep, tear stains on his cheeks.


Chanyeol’s alarm has Sehun jumping five feet off the bed. Chanyeol turns it off and throws an arm over Sehun’s hip. “Go back to sleep,” he says.

“But we have school!”

Chanyeol shrugs. “One day off isn’t going to kill us.” Sehun frowns, worried. Chanyeol tucks his hair behind his ear. “Trust me.”

Sehun scoots closer to him, burying his face against his chest. “Okay hyung.”


When Chanyeol’s parents leave for work, Chanyeol goes to brush his teeth. He gives Sehun a spare toothbrush and goes to the kitchen.

Sehun joins him a few minutes later, sitting at the table. Chanyeol asks, “Do you like coffee?” Sehun shakes his head. “What about orange juice?”

“I like orange juice.”

Chanyeol pours him a glass. “Do you like eggs?”


Chanyeol grabs the carton of eggs from the fridge, cracking a few into a bowl and whisking with a fork.

Sehun sits there awkwardly, tracing the rim of his glass with his index finger. Chanyeol glances over from the stove. “You alright?”

Sehun nods. He sips his drink and watches as Chanyeol cooks. He looks out the window for a moment, at the sunrise. It’s only seven thirty.

Chanyeol puts a plate in front of him, “Eat up! I promise it’ll taste good.”


Chanyeol smiles at him and Sehun can’t help but return the expression, the rays of the morning sun pulsing through his veins.


They spend most of the day on Chanyeol’s couch, playing video games. At around noon, Sehun leans on Chanyeol’s shoulder and takes a nap. Chanyeol watches TV with the volume low so he doesn’t wake him. Sehun’s eyelashes flutter, lightly hitting Chanyeol’s skin.

Chanyeol adjusts Sehun’s position, lying him down. He goes to make lunch and tries to think of something Sehun will like.

Pasta is easy enough. When the water comes to a boil, a tired voice says, “Hyung?”

“Hey. I’m making pasta.”

“Okay.” Sehun leans on the counter and rubs at his tired eyes. “I’m still sleepy.”

Chanyeol pulls him in for a hug. Sehun wraps his arms around his waist, pressing his face to the crook of his neck. Sehun’s words are quiet, muffled, as he says, “I don’t want to go home.”

Chanyeol gently rocks him side to side, “You should go, just to see your mom, at least. Then come back.”

“What if my dad’s there? I don’t want to see him.” His voice is uneven, fingers shaking against the small of Chanyeol’s back. “I’m sorry for being a burden.”

“You’re not a burden.”

“Your parents don’t even know I’m here. Fuck. I really should leave, huh?”

“No. Shh.” Chanyeol presses his lips to the side of Sehun’s head, smoothing down his hair. “Like I said, Jongdae used to come over all the time. He practically lived here for five months. Trust me, you’re fine.”

Sehun closes his eyes, basking in Chanyeol’s warmth. Chanyeol pets his hair and tells him that everything will be okay.


“Hey. Where were you two yesterday?”

Chanyeol takes a huge bite out of his sandwich, “My house. We hung out.”

Jongdae hums, slinging an arm around Yixing’s shoulders. Yixing looks worn out. Chanyeol jokes, “That’s what happens when you don’t use enough lube.”

Yixing snorts and Jongdae says, “Fuck you we used plenty.”

Chanyeol’s face scrunches up. He groans, “I didn’t need to know that.” Sehun laughs for the first time all day. Chanyeol squeezes his thigh and Jongdae wiggles his eyebrows at Chanyeol, earning a scowl.


Chanyeol closes his locker, heading out. It’s been a long week. He’s dying to go home and strip down to his underwear and eat junk food. He’s exiting the school gate when a voice calls, “Chanyeol hyung!”

Chanyeol stops and turns around, “Sehun?”

Sehun looks up at him, “Can I go home with you? Please.” He looks stressed. Chanyeol wraps an arm around his shoulders.

“Sure. Let’s go.”

Sehun apologizes, “I’m sorry for being so annoying. My dad leaves on Sunday. I’ll stop bothering you then.”

Chanyeol shakes his head. He rubs Sehun’s shoulder. “I like having you around.”

Sehun’s cheeks flush and Chanyeol keeps him close as they walk. Chanyeol glances at him every once in a while. Sehun doesn’t look like his usual self. Chanyeol recalls how he only laughed once at lunch. “Are you okay?”

Sehun gazes up at him, “Yeah.”

Chanyeol unlocks the front door, letting Sehun in first. They kick their shoes off and place their backpacks on the floor. Chanyeol asks, “Did something happen?”


Taking his hand, Chanyeol guides him to the sofa. “You’d tell me, right? If you weren’t okay?” Sehun nods and Chanyeol grabs the video game controllers, turning the system on and going to grab some snacks.

When he returns, Sehun isn’t sitting where he left him. Chanyeol furrows his eyebrows. He goes to the bathroom, knocking on the door, “Sehun-ah?”

“Hold on.”

Chanyeol looks down at the doorknob. Sehun’s voice sounded off. “Sehun?”

Suddenly the door flings open and Chanyeol gets an armful of Sehun. He repeats his name and Sehun sniffles against his chest. “I lied,” Sehun says.

“About what?”

“I’m not-,” he inhales deeply, “I’m not okay.”

Chanyeol takes him to his room since his parents will probably be home soon. He doesn’t want them to see Sehun like this. He turns the lock and sits on the edge of the bed beside Sehun.

Sehun is trembling. His hands are shaking, he looks sickly pale.

Chanyeol wraps him up in his arms. Sehun whispers, “Am I wrong?” Chanyeol stays silent. “Is it-is it actually wrong to be gay? Am I really fucked up?”


“My dad kept yelling about how disgusting I am. How men are meant for women and not for other men.” He lowers his voice, “I feel really guilty. It’s not like I wanted to be this way. I didn’t turn this way. I’ve always been like this.”

Chanyeol smoothes down his hair. “It’s not wrong. Sehun...your dad’s kind of a fucking asshole.” Sehun lets out a weak laugh. Chanyeol continues, “Don’t listen to him. Don’t listen to anyone who tries to tell you that what you are is wrong.”

“I...” Sehun sighs.


Sehun pulls back to look at him. He smiles sadly, “I really like you. It’s dumb. And if you want me to leave, that’s okay.”

“I don’t want you to leave. The opposite, actually. Stay.” Sehun doesn’t make eye contact with him. Chanyeol can hear the front door open and close. His mom’s home. He puts his hand on the side of Sehun’s face, “Will you let me kiss you?”

Sehun’s face turns red and his eyes widen but he nods.

Chanyeol brings their lips together and Sehun leans into him. He doesn’t just kiss him once. He can’t. He makes sure Sehun knows it’s not wrong. He kisses him until Sehun kisses back with confidence. Chanyeol mumbles, “I’ve liked you since the day you walked into the classroom.” Sehun grins into his mouth.

“Is that why you’d always stare?”


Sehun lets himself be pushed back. Chanyeol straddles his hips. He can hear his mom curse about how Chanyeol always leaves the television on. Sehun giggles, having heard it too. Chanyeol says, “Fuck what your dad says. He’s a loser.”

Sehun can’t help but laugh. “He is a loser.”

Chanyeol kisses him again, “Let’s go play video games in our underwear, yeah?”



Chanyeol learns, as he slides his fingertips over Sehun’s back, that Sehun has a scar on his shoulder blade from when he was pushed against a brick wall. He learns, as he runs his hands up Sehun’s thighs, that skin is fragile.

Sehun is soft. Chanyeol loses track of the amount of times he kisses him. Five, ten, twenty, thirty. He doesn’t know. All he knows is that Sehun is small in his arms, all he knows is Sehun’s lips taste salty from potato chips.

Sehun keeps a thigh wedged between Chanyeol’s legs. He says, “I hope you stay.”

Chanyeol gently smoothes out the wrinkles in Sehun’s paper heart as he replies. “I promise I will.”


Sehun spends the weekend. On Monday, he goes back home, since his father is gone. Chanyeol tosses and turns in his bed. He’s cold. He can’t sleep without Sehun pressed against him.

He calls him. Sehun’s tired voice answers, “Hello?”

“I’m cold,” Chanyeol whispers.

Sehun admits, “Me too.” He hears Sehun sigh. “Isn’t it too early to be feeling like this?”

Chanyeol pulls his blanket tighter around himself, desperate for warmth. “I don’t know. But-I wish you were here.”

“I do, too. I’m glad you called.”

They stay in complete silence for a while. Sehun starts to snore, and Chanyeol falls asleep with Sehun breathing into his ear.


Sometime during the night, Chanyeol rolled onto his phone and disconnected the call. He rubs his eyes and puts his phone to charge before he has to go to school.

He meets up with Sehun halfway. Sehun holds his hand tightly. The fog is thick, and Chanyeol wishes he could go back to sleep. He stops and tugs Sehun against him, kissing him.

Sehun lazily kisses back, lips loose. It’s obvious he’s still tired.

Chanyeol quietly asks, “Want to skip?”

“More than anything.”


As he pushes Sehun down onto the couch, Chanyeol thinks that Sehun is perfect. He slides Sehun’s shirt up, pressing his mouth to his ribs and sucking a small mark into his skin. Sehun arches up, sweeping his fingers through Chanyeol’s hair.

Chanyeol manages to fit between Sehun and the back of the sofa. He holds Sehun as close as he can, burying his nose in the crook of his neck. His shirt smells like detergent, his skin, a bit of sweat mixed with something sweet.

The television is playing some lame drama that they both don’t know the name of.

Sehun laces their fingers together. Chanyeol kisses the spot under his ear. A nap sounds incredibly inviting.


“How come you and Sehun keep missing school on the same days? Are you skipping together?” Chanyeol nods, flipping a page in his textbook. Jongdae makes a noise, “What’s going on with you two?”

“We’re basically together now.”

Jongdae seems to brighten. “You are? Now we really are a homo club!”

Chanyeol’s foot meets Jongdae’s calf under the table and Jongdae groans, shoving his face down onto his half-completed homework.

“I kissed him,” Chanyeol mumbles.

Jongdae asks, “Was it good?”

“Yeah.” Chanyeol smiles. He looks over and sees the door to the library open. Yixing walks in, with Sehun in tow. Sehun takes a seat next to Chanyeol.

“Hi,” Sehun says.

Chanyeol briefly runs his fingers through Sehun’s hair. It’s a little dry, it’s evident he recently dyed it again. “Hi.” Chanyeol leans in, pressing his lips to the corner of Sehun’s mouth. Sehun blushes, cheeks aflame, and goes to pull out his textbook.

Yixing raises an eyebrow at Chanyeol and Chanyeol nods proudly, throwing an arm over Sehun’s shoulders. Sehun sits up straight and twirls his pencil, giving Chanyeol a tiny grin.


Chanyeol looks through his unorganized papers. All he needs is one formula for math. He glances at Sehun, who is working diligently on his part of the project. “Do you have the notes from the fifteenth?”

Sehun hands him his notebook. It’s perfectly organized by date. Chanyeol hums, “I should get organized, huh?”

“It’d probably be in your best interest.” Chanyeol steals a kiss and Sehun laughs, softly trailing his fingers over Chanyeol’s jaw. Sehun murmurs, “We really should get to work on this project.”

“You’re working.”

“But you’re not.” Sehun snorts.

Chanyeol slides his hand up the back of Sehun’s shirt. “Okay, fair enough.” Sehun leans into his touch, punching numbers into his calculator.

Chanyeol thinks they have enough time to curl up to each other later. Right now, he needs to write down this formula and figure out the answers to his work.

!fic, pairing:chen/lay, group:exo, pairing:sehun/chanyeol

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