Jul 31, 2005 14:37
Another print rejected in Deviantart. -.- How am I supposed to ask persmission to *Brandon Lee* to use his own picture? :O? Or The Crow film makers? I don't know? -.-
I guess my only chanses is teling I capturized teh pic by myself. :D
Anyway, so it's another boring day - weekend - and it's teh *as Matt says*, tomatoe sauce days, so BLEH! :O I just wished Elly's a belated bday, I'm so sorry, hun! ;_; *huggles* I wanted to *hi5* her for some reason she (I hope) knows, etc.
I joined 3 communities!! :D:D:D:D One is of The Crow, and everyone is really nice and happy. ^-^ And 2 GACKT's communities (<3<3<3333 @ pics).
*rips H.I.M.'s album* Best way to have songs in our PC is ripping from the original cd's than downloading!! Shitty downloads. -.-;
SO! Two more dvd's arrived friday!! :D:D:D "A tale of two sisters" and "Dark Water", the originals (japanese). I still have to watch them...but it needs to be like...on a day that I know I'll sleep with my mum and...etc. >.>;
*wants to kick iTUNES program because it doesn't start* *roll eyes* I need to change my layout. Hm. Need to work with teh HTML. :D So I'll be here...wondering around...<.<
ANYWAY! My icecream is waiting for me in the fridge...so. :D? *runs*
EDIT: Oh. iTUNES wasn't opening because there was a message before that didn't pop up in front of this window as it usual...pops up? >.>