I received this email yesterday from a friend. Who received it from his friend who is a friend of the other....convoluted, yes. Important, absolutely. This person is writing from Beirut and is a student at a Canadian University. He's in Lebanon as part of an internship. (I've left the email as I received it)
I'm in east beirut now. I really wish I could send out emails everyday -
because i am contiuously hearing of one atrocity after another and i
definitely can remember all of them now. Unfortunately the electricity
comes and goes and my internet connection hasn't worked for a couple days.
i am in an internet cafe now in east beirut. i think the situation here is absolutely unimaginable for those of us abroad. i remember watching the American bombardment of Baghdad. i was
both "shocked and awed". the feeling now is unexplainable... adrenaline,
anxiety, terror, delirium, sleeplessness. If parts of this email dont make
sense it's because the Israeli "defense?forces haven't let us sleep for
several days. There will be no form or order to this email. Obviously i
dont have the luxury of taking my time and I'm writing things off the top
of my head.
Having to write this email is an overwhelming responsibility and I'm not
sure I can portray the situation as accurately as I would like, but I'll
try. What's happening now in Beirut constitute crimes against humanity.
Please understand that there are a million thoughts running through my
head at the moment and its hard to get them organized.
The main transportation infrastructure in southern Lebanon has been almost
completely destroyed. There are mass civilian casualties in the south of
the country and the southern suburbs of the city. A group of families
escaping their village in the south after the Israeli government called
for civilians to "not be where hisbullah lives and operates?(this message
rained down on us in the form of flyers with subtle creases down the
middle horizontally and vertically so that they flutter gently down - on
bright green paper) were speeding down the highway in sour heading for
saida. The pick up truck was hit with a missile killing 23 people mostly
children. Theres many other reports of cars being targeted on the main
coastal highway ?those of you who have been here before know this highway
well I;m sure. There is footage on television of mass civilian casualties.
The "idf?bombed the airport several times, the main Beirut port (right
behind my office), and the port in jounieh, a Christian town north of
Beirut. They are also pursuing strikes against an impotent and defenseless
Lebanese army, but the main target and victims of the terrorist offensive
have been civilian infrastructure and people. They are trying to bomb the
population into submission.
The stated target of the Israeli actions is hisbullah surrender. Hisbullah
is an organization that was born out of the Israeli/Palestine conflict.
When the Israelis invaded lebanon in 82, a loose network of shia groups
fought against the occupation and the presence of multinational forces in
the country. Members of this network carried out the first suicide
bombings in modern history ?aimed at the American barracks in Lebanon ?killing 243 service men. They are widely held responsible for liberating
south Lebanon, which was occupied for over two decades. This network
slowly evolved into an organized political party ?complete with members
of parliament and ministers. They have an armed wing that, with the help
of an alliance with a popular Christian leader, has balanced the power in
Lebanon and has given a voice to an otherwise marginalized community. they
represent the most historically socio-economically disadvantaged group
(also the biggest minority) ?there is no majority. It so happens that the
shia muslims in the south and the Palestinians were the biggest victims of
the long term israeli occupation. It's a lot more complicated than that,
but I want to get to what's actually happening.
I am 4 or 5 kilometers away from the heaviest bombings taking place in the
densely populated and socio-economically disadvantaged neighborhoods in
the southern suburbs. Mostly in haret hreik, a relatively poor but vibrant
(used to be) neighborhood, where I lived for 2 and a half months. The
continuous air and sea attacks are absolutely deafening and unlike any
other sound. I think we're almost as close as we can be to the heavy
bombing without being in direct danger - a small christian neighbourhood
called ain el remeneh seperates us and the southern suburbs. if you look
up a map of beirut - i am in fern el chebak - the bombings are in the
southern suburbs - right outside of the city - ghobeiri, bir el abed,
MOSTLY haret hreik, msharafiyeh, borj el brajne, bir hassan, rweiss,
spheir, and several other places. The bombing strategy is perverted. They
bombard heavily then wait just enough time for your nerves to calm and
silence to be restored after which the come back for another round. The
"idf?is infamous for bombing their target, waiting just enough time for
the fire trucks, ambulances, and helpful ppl to arrive and then they come
back and bomb the same target ?this was happening all night. From the
looks of it, the Israelis are destroying the southern suburbs. The
lighthouse in west Beirut has also been bombed. Unlike the first night,
the fighter jets can no longer be seen. Today is unseasonably cloudy.
Thick clouds blanket the sky completely. I read something about this
tactic months ago - there's some chemical that is released into the sky
created a clouds - i forget the naem of the chemical. Yesterday it rained
a little.
What sickens me is that our government has been complacently complicit.
The refusal of the international community to step in and exert pressure,
not just on Israeli, but all parties involved, shows how impotent this
world actually is against the geopolitical agendas of the American and
Israeli government.
The Israelis have destroyed the main roads from the south to Beirut and
all but one or two to Syria. There is virtually no way out of Lebanon at
the moment and a complete blockade has been imposed by israel. The
minister of foreign affairs in Canada apparently announced that there
would be an evacuation of 10 000 cdn citizens ?there are 50 000 in this
country and we are all citizens ?we're all equal and NO ONE deserves
special treatment. Don't believe what you hear - according to sources at
the embassy, the evac announcement (if there was one) was completely
false. We are staying put for now and last i heard they were "working on
I want to repeat this point ?THERE ARE 50 000 CANADIANS IN THIS COUNTRY.
I think we might be a little decensitized when it comes to watching poor
arabs getting blown up. I hope atleast the 50 000 figure will hit home
with some in Canada.
50 000 canadian citizens. They are not more important then anyone else in
this country - canadian or not - at the moment. Just remember as all this
is happening - as the israelis unleash there vast arsenal of weapons of
mass destruction on the people of lebanon - as they destroy the
infrastructure of an already war weary country slowly trying to get back
on it's feet - as they change the balance of power to suit there own
self-interested agenda - there are 50 000 people who share YOUR
citizenship being directly affected by the israeli actions.
There are 300 000 lebanese in Canada.
50 000 canadian citizens in this country.
Where is our government? i'm not demanding an evaucation plan, i'm the
embassy staff is working hard to secure a good plan and the safety of
canadians when it's time. I am demanding that our government condemn and
more importantly work to prevent the offensive action by israel. Is our
government complicit or are the simply impotent?
It was reported that the Israelis struck a military base in Syria proper.
The Syrians have denied the hit. I wonder if the Israelis were testing
the waters and Syria responded "positively??surrendering without
surrendering. Israels offensive is bigger then the two Israeli prisoners
?this terrorist action is aimed at reshaping the region and destroying
years of development in Lebanon. It is without precedent and against
international law. I just heard that the prime minister plans to send
lebanese troops to the south apparently to take control (engage hisbullah
in the south)... could this be the beginning of a another civil war? i
havent confirmed the report. also just heard that 9 civilians were killed
in Haifa. Proportionately those casualties are minor but none the less
they are crimes and highly symbolic. I really wish there is some kind of
balanced reporting happening over there. Check out nahar net - google it
- for updates. also i'm sure www.democracynow.org is doing a good job
The history of military prisoner taking by Hezbollah has been positive ?lt;br>up until now. I don't remember the exact figures, but I believe once they
traded something like 430 Lebanese prisoners for the corpses of 3 israeli
soldiers. Another time there was a bigger trade with over 1000 Lebanese
released. Since the military operation that resulted in the capture of 2
Israeli soldiers, hisbullah has been calling for negotiation for the
release of three Lebanese prisoners held in Israeli jails and the 1000
illegally held Palestinians in Israel (no trial, no charges ?think
guantanamo ?minors and women also). Preferring open war fare, Israel
chose not to negotiate. Instead they have taken Lebanon "back 20 years?as
they promised to do and according to an official "IDF?document I saw with
my own eyes they will "avoid civilian casualties, but not at the expense
of our own security? Hospitals in the south are overflowing with
casualties and pieces of murdered children. I saw the footage. In the
spirit of unity, the Lebanese people from all over the country are calling
television stations giving their phone numbers in an offer to house
refugees ?of which there are MANY. There are 600 people living in a small
park in Beirut ?the only public park I know of in this city. There are
many many more refugees.
Our government refuses to condemn the terrorist offensive and the israeli
use of weapons of mass destruction in Lebanon. They are indirectly
responsible, as well as all those governments that do not act, for the
mass killing, the destruction, the crimes against humanity, the murders,
the terror, inflicting this country as i write this. As citizens, we also
bare responsibility for the actions of our government. Cleary, politics
and money are more important than human life. Especially the lives of poor
people ?who have been used as pawns by ALL PARTIES involved and are now
paying the heaviest price.
I find myself debating whether or not hisbullah should give in to the
Israelis. Should they disarm and give back the prisoners? Unfortunately
doing so will not bring back those who died and will not rebuild the
destroyed homes and infrastructure. Israel will not take responsibility
for the destruction and havoc cause by there weapons of mass destruction
in this country - even if they get their way. The will not compensate the
families of those who were murdered - they will not rebuild and they will
not provide food or shelter for the refugges. Slowly the southern suburbs
are looking more and more like jenin refugee camp after the Israeli
military machine was through with it. Unfortunately, a hisbullah surrender
will justify the terrorist actions of the Israeli government and will be
interpreted internationally as a victory over so-called terror. What to
Another part of me is avoiding the ideological debate at the moment. This
is no time for philosophical and political debate. The action on the
ground by the terrorist government of Israel - and all of those who
support their actions - is in no way justifiable. The disproportionate
murdering and use of force by the "idf?is dispicable. The impotence of
the international community, Arab governments and the west is disgusting.
The inaction of the UN is morally indefensible.
I suggest you read chapters 6, 7 and 8 of the charter of the untied
nations. just heard that the israelis gave 45 mins to clear southern
lebanon - is this the beginning of an invasion - and how will people clear
Those who are terrorized, whether israeli or lebanese, are also easily
radicalized - being here makes it easy to understand why.
I think my emotions got the better of me several times throughout this
email - but i stand by everything i just wrote. those who know me well
know that i usually try to be politically correct - obviously in times
like this - it's almost impossible. I feel better now that I got some of
these thoughts out of head. We are holding up fine and my family who live
in the southern suburbs escaped in time. Four of them (including my 90+
year old grandfather) are staying with me and my Canadian and German
neighbors. Hopefully they haven't lost their homes. The bombardments have
started again ?well they haven't really stopped since midnight last
night. I'm in a safe neighborhood and there's no direct danger here. I
think today there is a demo at the Canadian parliament. Please go. I would
appreciate it if you can forward this letter and circulate it at the demo.
see you soon.
I also received this email via a strange source (the mailing list for a local club/venue) but it contains some useful information.
Why pressure the Canadian government?
- Israel has killed innocent Canadians.
- Since last Thursday, Israeli attacks have killed more than 300 innocent
civilians in Lebanon, hurt hundreds more and forced the displacement of
hundreds of thousands more. Adding up to this are the damages to main
transport and communication means for the country, effectively trapping
the population inside. During that time, the Canadian government has
supported the Israeli military strikes unconditionally (more than all other
states, including the United States). This is the image Canada is now
sending to the rest of the world.
- We believe war is a last resort: that terrorizing and killing innocent
civilians is not a valid means of defense, like it is said explicity in the Fourth
Geneva Convention on the protection of civilians (1949):
*Article 33. - Aucune personne protégée ne peut être punie pour une
infraction qu'elle n'a pas commise personnellement. Les peines
collectives, de même que toute mesure d'intimidation ou de terrorisme, sont
interdites. *
-The same type of "collective punishment" is currently applied to the
inhabitants of the Gaza Strip by the Israel Defense Forces.
What to do?
1 - Write to the Prime Minister (Stephen Harper - Harper.S@parl.gc.ca),
to the Foreign Affairs minister (Peter McKay - Mackay.P@parl.gc.ca).
and your MP (
2 - Send a copy of your message to the media:
Ottawa: Le Droit (French, alarocque@ledroit.com),
Ottawa Citizen (English, letters@thecitizen.canwest.com
National: La Presse (French , forum@lapresse.ca), Le Devoir (French,
redaction@ledevoir.com), The Globe and Mail (English,
3 - Participate in the public demonstrations (July 22nd):
http://www.acp-cpa.ca/en/Palestineaction.htmin Ottawa, the demonstration will be at 11 AM on Parliament Hill.
4 - Encourage people you know to do the same.
Call to Action - Saturday, July 22, 2006
The Canadian Peace Alliance is demanding that the government of Canada call for an immediate end to the Israeli attacks on Lebanon and Gaza. This escalating conflict may destabilize the entire region and result in a larger war.
Israel's actions have now killed eight Canadians and hundreds more Lebanese and Palestinians. Stephen Harper's refusal to condemn these attacks is shameful. We are calling on peace loving groups and individuals to protest against these attacks and the Harper government's inaction this Saturday July 22, 2006.
The Israeli assault on Lebanon is targeting civilians and vital infrastructure resulting in a humanitarian disaster. Each day we hear of more attacks on civilian neighborhoods in Beirut with dozens of innocent people killed.
The situation in Gaza is even worse with infrastructure in a shambles and more violence each day. Recent reports from the Director of Public Relations at Gaza City's Al Shifa Hospital, Dr. Juma Al Sakka, and the Palestinian Ministry of Health have confirmed that Israel is using chemical weapons against the Palestinian people in Gaza. According to Dr. Al Sakka, "These Israeli bombings are entering the body and fragmenting, causing internal combustion leading to up to fourth degree internal burns, exposing the bone, and affecting the tissue and skin." The international community must condemn this brutality.
The United States is using this escalating conflict to further demonize Iran and Syria. Just as the invasions and occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan are part of a broader campaign, led by the United States government and transnational oil corporations, to assert control over the Middle East and Central Asia, the current conflict in Palestine and Lebanon is being used by the US to justify military aggression against other sovereign states in the area. George Bush was unable to sell yet another bill of goods about weapons of mass destruction in Iran to the global population so he is now using Iranian support for Hezbollah as the smoking gun he needs to justify intervention against Iran.
Canada has thus far been shameful in its support for the aggressive Israeli and US position. By voting against key UN humanitarian resolutions and cutting off funding to the Palestinian Authority after the Hamas victory, the Conservative government of Stephen Harper is showing that it is the willing tool of US ambitions from Afghanistan to Palestine. We in Canada must demand in the name of humanitarianism and Canada's historic diplomatic role that our government reverse its shameful support for US and Israeli aggression.
Whatever your feelings are regarding this war it is important that you raise your voice. Innocent people - men, women and children - are dying every day. The Canadian government may claim that they have maintained their neutral stance and that an immediate ceasefire could be considered a victory for Hezbollah but the fact remains that Israel's reaction - their defense - far exceeds any damage Hezbollah are capable of inflicting and that only a ceasefire can protect the lives of innocent people.
Read more:
2006 Israel-Lebanon Conflict article at wikipedia.orgDemocracy Now's on-going coverage"Amnesty International Canada's Open Letter to Prime Minister Stephen Harper"The United Nation's News page" We now return you to your normally non-political journal. Thanks for listening.