Title: Time to take off the Mask
Author: Merlin's Sister
E-mail: michemerlin1@aol.com
Rating: PG
Disclaimers: The Navy NCIS characters are owned by the almighty Bellisario and co. Just borrowing them for a bit of fun. No point in suing me anyway. I work in the public sector.
Pairing: Ziva/McGee
Archive: Just ask first.
Summary: Why was Ziva so agitated when the team were waiting for the results of the radiation checks on the car in Masquerade? Ziva reflects on the changes in her relationship with McGee, and the future it may hold. AU coda.
Spoilers: Masquerade. General Season 6 and 7 warnings.
Acknowledgements: As with all my sudden bursts of writing this is unbetaed. Apologies in advance for any spelling or grammatical mistakes.
Fic this way