I dreamed about...

Apr 24, 2005 20:23

ice cream last night. :-) It was the weirdest dream ever but it was freakin cool! First I was in line at a Ben and Jerry's ice cream stand and the stupid people took forever. They opened up another cashier, but people stampeded over me and I couldn't get to the other line, so I stayed in the same line. Finally when it was my turn, I complained to the cashier and he gave me a lollipop version of an ice cream flavor. The flavor I wanted which was white chocolate macademia (like the cookie I guess) was gone so I ended up get some apple pie version which was okay. Across from the Ben and Jerry's ice cream stand was a Ghiradelli's ice cream stand, but the server person was eating Ben and Jerry's ice cream. Then to to my right was like mom & pop ice cream store. After getting my ice cream, I was walking and found another Ben & Jerry's ice cream store and I walked in there. I found my white chocolate macademia cookie and put some vanilla ice cream and plopped another cookie on top and had myself a ice cream cookie sandwich. Then I was transformed into some building area and they announced that Itunes was deleting all of its songs, so people were scrambling to save their songs. Somehow I was smart enough to save all my songs and then I escaped from the building! whoa. I had some pretty weird dreams last night. :-P

Today I did all my homework and studied for my math and APWH test. I finished my essay in about 2 1/2 hours and basically kind of BSed the whole thing. Ugh whatever. Memorized by trig formulas and I'm now praying that I'll do somewhat well on the test. I'm making progress in reading that Baron's study guide and the AP exam is now like in 9 days. Egad. I finally figured out the whole knitting thing and that will allow me to do something after studying for APWH. :-) Well. That's about it. I'm not feeling very well right now. My dad is sick and he's slowly infecting the rest of the family. I feel fatigue, my body aches and my ears feel funny. I think I'm going to go relax for the rest of the night. Sleep is your bestest buddy.
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