So today we had our second game of the season, but because of the "rule of darkness" (how evil does that sound) we had to stop after the 7th inning (which is usually the end of the game BUT) when we were TIED 5-5 so we're gonna have to finish the extra innings some other time. It wasn't bad, i had a good time and stuff. I have so much work to do tonight, i'm really not looking forward to getting started. I feel like taking a nap because i'm so tired but I know that's a really bad idea, but I might do it anyway.
School wasn't so bad today either. I hope like no one is in class at all tomorrow since it's senior to senior day. i had to go see the assistant principal since i got marked for cutting a few times and i "usually don't cut" she said. She was like "don't start cutting now, it's a terrible time to" blah blah. So no more cutting senior project. I think i'm only marked down for two cuts for spanish, so i'll probably end up cutting that like 8 more times after my APs. I can't WAIT until may 7th or 8th i forget which day but after that school is going to be the BIGGEST JOKE EVER. i remember tom weldon used to only come in every other day, probably just for gym. I should do that, once softball's over. alllllllllll my main classes will basically be done.
ugh i'm so glad. alright i filled out this survey before to pass some time. it was pretty long and somewhat interesting. k nap time pEACE
[my name is]: michele
[single or taken]: single
[sex]: female
[siblings]: a brother
[hair color]: brown
[eye color]: blue
[height]: 5'9
[in the morning i am]: unable to multi-task
[love is]: necessary
[i dream about]: everything
**W I T H .T H E. O P P O S I T E. S E X **
[what do you notice first?]: i'm not sure really. whatever stands out, depending on how they carry themselves.
[makes you smile]: um if they're asking what makes me smile... they should be able to figure it out. usually it's pretty easy to get me to do this though.
[who gives you a funny feeling when you see them]: =X
[who do you have a crush on]: =X
**W H O .W A S .T H E .L A S T. P E R S O N**
[you laughed with]: roseanne
[you talked to on the phone]: michelle
[you instant messaged]: joAnna
**D O .Y O U / / A R E .Y O U**
[what's your favorite food?]: pizza
[could u live w/o the computer]: obviously yeah but it'd be really hard at first.
[favorite fruit?]: green grapes
[what hurts the most? physical pain or emotional pain?]: i don't think you can really answer that
[trust others easily?]: yeah def. it's probably bad but whatever.
**N U M B E R**
[of times i have had my heart broken?]: maybe 3
[of hearts i have broken?]: probably just 2
[of drugs taken illegally?]: one
[of tight friends?]: two
[of cd's that i own?]: probably like 60
[of scars on my body?]: the only ones i know what they're from are the ones on my middle finger from when it got chopped off.
[of things in my past that i regret?]: eh just one but i'm pretty much over it
[i know]: nothing is definite.
[i want]: school to end
[i have]: a lot of homework tonight
[i wish]: i was more patient with myself
[i hate]: haters
[i miss]: school volleyball
[i fear]: people think i'm boring
[i hear]: refused
[i search]: with google
[i love]: volleyball
[i care]: about my friends
[i always]: set myself up for disappointments
[i cry]: kind of a lot, whenever i get mad. but i don't have a problem with it and neither should you.
[i can usually be found]: with michelle
[i need]: some lovin
[wuss]: def
[gang member]: nah
[daydreamer]: yah
[freak]: probably to some people
[sarcastic]: yeah
[goody-goody]: sometimes =X
[talkative]: yeah except when i'm uncomfortable
[your best feature (personality)]: i'll have a conversation about anything? idk.
[most annoying thing you do]: make stupid jokes at the wrong time. or just talking at all.
[the physical feature for which you are most often complimented]: my lengthy eyelashes probably
[a city you'd like to visit]: las vegas or something in california
[a drink you order most often]: water
[a delicious dessert]: ice cream
[a book you highly recommend]: catch-22
[a film you could watch over and over]: monty python's the meaning of life maybe? i'm not sure though i haven't watched it THAT many times
[your cologne or perfume]: not applicable
[under your bed or in your closet you hide]: i don't really hide anything there, there's just a bunch of crap
**f a s h i o n | s t u f f**
[where is your favorite place to shop]: h&m
[any tattoos or piercings]: dos (2)
**s p e c i f i c s**
[what kind of shampoo do you use?]: this 2 in 1 pantene pro-v shampoo and conditioner for curly hair. it's kind of disappointing, but it makes my showers quicker thus helping me be less late for math.
[where do you want to get married?]: where ever
[how many buddies are online right now?]: 102 because i keep all those people on my list that i don't need.
[what would you change about yourself]: ugh i'd change so much. i'd make myself: be more patient, do my homework more and not put off school world so much, keep my room clean, not get so paranoid and nervous, and nicer
**f a v o r i t e s**
[color]: green
[boys names]: i don't really like names.
[girls names]: same thing
[subjects in school]: english, math, and photography
[animals]: i don't really have one
[sports]: obviously volleyball. and maybe football would be next
**h a v e | y o u | e v e r**
[given anyone a bath?]: just my barbies
[bungee jumped?]: nope
[made yourself throw up?]: yup in 5th grade to get sent home from school sick. i guess i was really against lying? lol
[skinny dipped?]: yep!
[been in love?]: nooooooooooooooooooo
[made yourself cry to get out of trouble?]: no
[pictured your crush naked?]: yeah
[actually seen your crush naked?]: no
[cried when someone died?]: yes
[lied]: yes
[fallen for your best friend?]: no
[been rejected?]: yes
[rejected someone]: yes
[used someone?]: probably but i can't really think of a specific time
**c u r r e n t**
[clothes]: blue pajama pants and some crappy t-shirt
[music]: refused
[make-up]: zero
[annoyance]: my family living paper
[smell]: um nothing really
[favorite artist]: umm idk
[favorite group]: probably it will always be blink-182
[desktop picture]: actually i don't have one right now, i should change that
[cd in player]: in my car it's reinventing axle rose by against me
[color of toenails]: uh flesh? lol nail polish isn't my thing
**l a s t | p e r s o n**
[you touched]: probably everyone on my softball team when we did 'hands in' at the school
[hugged]: i think toby
[you imed]: michelle
[you yelled at]: someone from softball definitely at the game today, but in a positive way.
**a r e | y o u**
[understanding]: yeah
[open-minded]: probably not as much as i think i am
[arrogant]: i hope not
[insecure]: def
[interesting]: i can't answer this for other people. i'm interesting to myself sometimes.
[random]: sometimes it appears that way but that's just because you can't listen to my thought process.
[hungry]: nope
[smart]: not as smart as i could've been or as i used to be
[moody]: at times
[hard working]: sometimes
[organized]: it depends
[healthy]: yeah
[shy]: yep
[difficult]: sometimes
[attracted]: attracted to what? lol
[bored easily]: nah
[messy]: yes
[responsible]: yes
[obsessed]: um i can be i guess
[angry]: sometimes. mostly with myself.
[sad]: not right now
[happy]: for the most part
[trusting]: yeah
**w h o | d o | y o u | w a n n a**
[kill]: eh... i used to want to kill someone but not anymore.
[slap]: the state of new york for making me take this stupid family living class
[look like]: i don't knowww
[all i need is]: LOVE