I don't think I'm going to try to recap the past 2 months, but I haven't figured out what I'm going to say as I type this, so we'll see where I end up.
Today I got my grades for my last 2 projects in Scripting Languages, which, as expected, enable me to skip the final exam. The way this semester has gone, I probably could have taken the class for normal grading and inched up my GPA another 0.02, but I regretted doing that last Fall with Computer Graphics. Speaking of Computer Graphics, today I also saw the grade switch from an 'Incomplete' to an 'A', so that's nice.
The only actual exam I had to take this semester was for Algorithms, and I really don't have a good sense of how I did. The exam was worth 50% of the total grade for the class and only had 4 problems, so botching 1 question is more than a full letter grade reduction! I'm pretty sure I got at least a 'B' on the final, and by extension, the class, but I feel I deserve an 'A' and will be annoyed otherwise.
My Games class didn't have a final exam, but we were invited to the
Senior Art Show and we won an award for Best Game (or something, I'm not sure). An 'A' in this class was pretty much a foregone conclusion from as soon as I knew I'd be able to use Flash. (The
game website if anyone reading this hasn't looked at it recently or at all.)
My last class of this semester will be another Incomplete that I work on over the Summer. Originally an "Undergraduate Research" class, I will instead be developing course materials for a new course called "Computation, Complexity, and Emergence".
This will be the textbook. Considering I've been interested in
Fractals and
Chaos Theory for a long time (I think even before the movie Jurassic Park came out), I'm not worried about my enthusiasm waning.
So now the next tasks on my docket are to renew my Passport for a trip to Mexico, and find an apartment in San Francisco. It certainly doesn't look to be a boring Summer (not to mention the World Cup, about which I'll try to write something up soon)....