Where have all the entries gone?

May 11, 2011 11:38

As I'm sure you've noticed, all the entries in this journal are now Friends Only.


Well there are alot of reasons. First and foremost, as I have grown and matured, so too have my opinions on what should be open to the public and what should be kept private or between myself and very close friends. My attitude used to be say whatever you please and to hell with anyone who disagrees, but I've grown quite alot since those days. Instead of retroactively choosing what I think should remain public and what I think should now be private, I've simply locked everything, even the silly posts that were just quizzes and memes.

This journal has been with me for a long time so I do intend to keep it around, if only for some more personal, private posts. Moving forward, however, you'll be able to follow news on my current novel projects here: Cosmic Desire.

Be well and please do come visit me at my new internet home :)