Jan 13, 2005 21:17
this is a tribute to my best friend leslie...
ill start off by saying that she's blonde, need i say more? she loves to dance just as much as i do and she is in all my dance classes. we share a lot of interests together such as cows, the pfaff family, and orlando bloom. i dont go to her school, but i go to the festival and she is always there after school at dance. i call her alot of things, like les lessie lassie you name it, but she always calls me hannah and it can never lose its charm when she says it. the endless paries, and all the pc's led to not many, but hallarious inside jokes. such as cow, life, and thats what a st b's kid does. but who can blame us? its what best friends do. les, no matter what happens, i am always here for you trust me, im wot be going anwhere for a while i love you more then aj love kake ~hannah