Ukrainians like to wear their national costumes. They are proud of themselves, when on Sunday or some holiday they can wear a beautiful white blouse with a national embroided patterns and colours. Usually women have three-four variants of costumes. It can be white, black or with different range of colours, but every time embroided and usually by her owner. Ukrainians called it "vyshyvanka". The original meaning of vyshyvanka was symbolic, with colors and decorations differing from region to region and even village to village.
Red and black colours are usually embroidered in Kyiv and its surrounding area, green and orange patterns are from western Ukraine. The famous white-on-white embroidery became popular in several places across Ukraine, blue decorations are the youngest ones, appearing at the beginning of the 20th century. There are also a great variety of floral patterns, where every flower has its own meaning.
So, this spring I've got an idea to make a beautifull dress for my Mom combining floral design and ukrainian patterns. And as I like more beaded embroidery, so it should be a beaded dress!.
And from this idea I started my work. Should say that this kind of work requires a lot of time and patience. I used a great variety of colour to combine different styles, and in this part of work a catalogue of seed beads from Preciosa Ornela helped me a lot. Their catalogue has a wonderful variety of imaginable colors and shades and it will be useful for you, if you need to use a lot of colors. So now you can see only a part of my work.
I used in my work Preciosa Ornela seed beeds - rocailles. And I'm going to send this work for competition from Preciosa Ornela MY CZECH BEADS. All the details about competition is here: or you can visit their website: Many of my friends are following Preciosa Ornela at their Facebook page: